I have a legacy financial application which is written using EJB2.1(Making use of Entity Beans, Stateless Session Beans and Couple of MDBs). I want to migrate the application to latest Java EE or Spring framework. The application consists of around 400 entities and Entity beans are mainly used for Creating and Updating. For the viewing part a separate DAO layer is there and I don't want to touch that part.Also I want to keep the business logic written in service beans as it is very complex to re write.

i.e., I simply want to replace the ORM part of the system. The application is making use of JTA transactions.

Sorry to ask a very high level question, but which technology I can use to replace the ORM.

Spring/Hibernate Java EE The primary considerations for the application would be scalability, performance also ease of deployment.

I just want opinions on who have used these technologies, I don't want to start a war between 'evangelists'.

If you find the input is not suffcient please ask me I can provide more details.


1 回答 1



在迁移到EJB 2.1to方面有很多支持,EJB 3.x并且有很多工具集可以提供帮助。我在 EJB 中看到的主要挑战之一是容器外的集成测试。(例如,在持续集成环境中)有JTA解决方案、JNDI 解决方案和其他支持,但总的来说,我发现 Spring 迁移路径上的“容器外”测试支持比 Java EE 更多. 也就是说,有一些基础框架,例如来自 JBoss 的 Arquillian,旨在支持这一点。

所以我建议您查看EJB 2.1迁移EJB 3路径,然后查看用于集成测试支持的 Arquillian 框架

于 2013-08-06T13:52:50.973 回答