将我的项目从 MySQL 切换到 MS SQL Server 并且遇到了问题......
我正在使用 Slick,当我尝试执行查询时出现错误
[SQLServerException: Incorrect syntax near '='.]
这是超级描述性的,除了我没有看到 slick 试图执行什么。因此,经过一些调试后,我将其范围缩小到导致此异常的过滤器。
//my join
var q = for {
license <- License
category <- Category if license.category === category.id
keyContact <- Contact if license.keyContact === keyContact.id
supplierContact <- Contact if license.supplierContact === supplierContact.id
pricing <- Pricing if license.pricing === pricing.id
location <- Location if license.location === location.id
} yield (license,category,keyContact,supplierContact,pricing,location)
//THESE are the lines that don't work!
if(!approved.isDefined) q=q.filter(!_._1.approved)
if(!pendings.isDefined) q=q.filter(_._1.approved)
if(!completes.isDefined) q=q.filter(x => (
x._5.price === -1 ||
x._5.serverCost === -1 ||
x._5.depreciation === -1 ||
((x._5.maintCost === -1 || x._5.maintCost.isNull) &&
x._1.maintAgreement === true)
if(!incompletes.isDefined) q=q.filter(x => (
x._5.price =!= -1 &&
x._5.serverCost =!= -1 &&
x._5.depreciation =!= -1 &&
(x._1.maintAgreement === false || x._5.maintCost =!= -1)
//The join works if I don't have these filters. I have other filters I left out that do work for simplicity and readability
调用了 isDefined 的值只是我作为过滤器传递给函数的选项。上面的代码适用于 MySQL,但 MSSQL 似乎不喜欢它。有什么想法吗?
至少工作需要什么?我也试过_._1 === false
[debug] s.s.s.BaseSession - Preparing statement: select top 100 percent s25."id", s25."category", s25."tool", s25."supplier", s25."manufacturer", s25."licenseType", s25."version_edition", s25."location", s25."keyContact", s25."supplierContact", s25."supportedBy", s25."licenseEnd", s25."maintAgreement", s25."maintEnd",s25."count", s25."pricing", s25."compatibility_notes", s25."other_notes", s25."approved", s26."id", s26."name", s27."id", s27."nameFirst", s27."nameLast", s27."email", s27."phone", s28."id", s28."nameFirst", s28."nameLast", s28."email", s28."phone", s29."id", s29."price", s29."licenseOneTime", s29."depreciation", s29."maintCost", s29."serverCost", s29."purchCostSaved", s29."maintCostSaved", s30."id", s30."name", s30."city", s30."state", s30."country", s30."contact" from "licenses" s25, "categories" s26, "contacts" s27, "contacts" s28, "pricing" s29, "locations" s30 where (((((s25."category" = s26."id") and (s25."keyContact" = s27."id")) and (s25."supplierContact" = s28."id")) and (s25."pricing" = s29."id")) and (s25."location" = s30."id")) and (not s25."approved") order by s26."name", s25."tool", s25."manufacturer", s30."name", s25."supplier"
解决方案 我所做的是更改我的预测以在应用方法期间进行类型转换。
def * = id ~ category ~ tool ~ supplier ~ manufacturer ~ licenseType ~ version_edition ~
location ~ keyContact ~ supplierContact ~ supportedBy.? ~ licenseEnd.? ~ maintAgreement ~
maintEnd.? ~ count ~ pricing ~ compatibility_notes.? ~ other_notes.? ~ approved <> (
{l => License(l._1,l._2,l._3,l._4,l._5,l._6,l._7,l._8,l._9,l._10,l._11,l._12,
(if(l._13 == 1) true else false),l._14,l._15,l._16,l._17,l._18,(if(l._19 == 1) true else false))},
{(l:License) => Some(l.id,l.category,l.tool,l.supplier,l.manufacturer,l.licenseType,l.version_edition,
l.location,l.keyContact,l.supplierContact,l.supportedBy,l.licenseEnd,(if(l.maintAgreement) 1 else 0),
l.maintEnd,l.count,l.pricing,l.compatibility_notes,l.other_notes,(if(l.approved) 1 else 0))})
这不是理想的解决方案,但它有效并且比将我的案例类更改为 Int =] 更好。