I'm writing a complex ActiveRecord query that passes an ActivRecord::Relation in a pipeline of filtering functions. One of them has to add a sequence of "OR" linked conditions. As ActiveRecord::Relation does not provide the #or method I'm writing an SQL string to pass into #where. This string is generated dynamically, so I can't really use ? for values. I know from previous questions that using prepared statements is the best practice method of creating queries, but I can't find a way to apply it here.
Is there a way of escaping the strings, or converting to using prepared statements?
Edit: I'm doing something like this (the method receives items as an ActiveRecord::Relation object.
where_string = '';
filters.each do |field,value|
if(Item.column_names.include? field)
where_string += "OR" if where_string!=''
where_string += " #{field} LIKE '%#{value.to_s}%'"
return items.where(where_string)