When you reach the size limit for your web sql store, Mobile Safari (and the Android browser) will prompt you to increase the storage size. Once that happens, neither the transaction, onSuccess callback or onError callback is executed. I cannot seem to catch any exceptions here either, so how am I supposed to handle prompts for increased storage?
All the operations are async, so I can only think of setting a timeout and checking if the transaction completed after some time has gone. Which of course is a nasty, bug-ridden hack. And in addition to that, I have to re-do the transaction to actually check if the space was increased or not.
Fiddle for verifying on mobile browser
// open the jsfiddle in safari
// refuse when prompted to increase space to show the bug
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO key_value(key, value) VALUES(?,?);", ["mykey", buildBigString(3*Math.pow(10,6))], function (tx, result) {
// will never be called
}, function (tx, error) {
// will never be called