I'd like press 'yiw' to copy inner word. It's currently right copy a PHP variable include prefix "$" in my vim configuration. But it don't include prefix "$" in my sublime text 2 vintage mode.

How can i do to let it work currently? And I also don't know how to set this in vim.


1 回答 1


在 Sublime 中,打开Preferences -> Settings - User并添加以下行:

"word_separators": "./\\()\"'-:,.;<>~!@#%^&*|+=[]{}`~?"

这是从Preferences -> Settings - Default文件中取出的同一行,只是$已删除。在插入模式下,您现在可以点击CtrlD(或⌘</kbd>D on OSX) to select the full variable name, including $, then hit CtrlC (or ⌘</kbd>C) to copy. For more useful keyboard shortcuts for selecting words, check out this answer of mine.

于 2013-08-06T06:38:29.067 回答