我有这个很棒的幻灯片库在我的网站上运行得很好(来自 codrops),但是由于我在不同的信息之间切换,我想通过添加 CSS 更改来真正指出差异,以便背景颜色与幻灯片中内容的颜色相匹配。现在,这是一个库,所以我想我需要将 $('body').css 调用添加到其中,而不是我的 html 文档。我包括下面的代码,并带有一个注释标记我认为它应该去的地方。我不确定确切的措辞是什么,因为我以前从未在库中工作过。欢迎大家提出意见!
;( function( $, window, undefined ) {
'use strict';
// global
var Modernizr = window.Modernizr;
$.CBPFWSlider = function( options, element ) {
this.$el = $( element );
this._init( options );
// the options
$.CBPFWSlider.defaults = {
// default transition speed (ms)
speed : 500,
// default transition easing
easing : 'ease'
$.CBPFWSlider.prototype = {
_init : function( options ) {
// options
this.options = $.extend( true, {}, $.CBPFWSlider.defaults, options );
// cache some elements and initialize some variables
// initialize/bind the events
_config : function() {
// the list of items
this.$list = this.$el.children( 'ul' );
// the items (li elements)
this.$items = this.$list.children( 'li' );
// total number of items
this.itemsCount = this.$items.length;
// support for CSS Transitions & transforms
this.support = Modernizr.csstransitions && Modernizr.csstransforms;
this.support3d = Modernizr.csstransforms3d;
// transition end event name and transform name
var transProperties = {
'WebkitTransition' : { transitionEndEvent : 'webkitTransitionEnd', tranformName : '-webkit-transform' },
'MozTransition' : { transitionEndEvent : 'transitionend', tranformName : '-moz-transform' },
'OTransition' : { transitionEndEvent : 'oTransitionEnd', tranformName : '-o-transform' },
'msTransition' : { transitionEndEvent : 'MSTransitionEnd', tranformName : '-ms-transform' },
'transition' : { transitionEndEvent : 'transitionend', tranformName : 'transform' }
if( this.support ) {
this.transEndEventName = transProperties[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ].transitionEndEvent + '.cbpFWSlider';
this.transformName = transProperties[ Modernizr.prefixed( 'transition' ) ].tranformName;
// current and old item´s index
this.current = 0;
this.old = 0;
// check if the list is currently moving
this.isAnimating = false;
// the list (ul) will have a width of 100% x itemsCount
this.$list.css( 'width', 100 * this.itemsCount + '%' );
// apply the transition
if( this.support ) {
this.$list.css( 'transition', this.transformName + ' ' + this.options.speed + 'ms ' + this.options.easing );
// each item will have a width of 100 / itemsCount
this.$items.css( 'width', 100 / this.itemsCount + '%' );
// add navigation arrows and the navigation dots if there is more than 1 item
if( this.itemsCount > 1 ) {
// add navigation arrows (the previous arrow is not shown initially):
this.$navPrev = $( '<span class="cbp-fwprev"><</span>' ).hide();
this.$navNext = $( '<span class="cbp-fwnext">></span>' );
$( '<nav/>' ).append( this.$navPrev, this.$navNext ).appendTo( this.$el );
// add navigation dots
var dots = '';
for( var i = 0; i < this.itemsCount; ++i ) {
// current dot will have the class cbp-fwcurrent
var dot = i === this.current ? '<span class="cbp-fwcurrent"></span>' : '<span></span>';
dots += dot;
var navDots = $( '<div class="cbp-fwdots"/>' ).append( dots ).appendTo( this.$el );
this.$navDots = navDots.children( 'span' );
_initEvents : function() {
var self = this;
if( this.itemsCount > 1 ) {
this.$navPrev.on( 'click.cbpFWSlider', $.proxy( this._navigate, this, 'previous' ) );
this.$navNext.on( 'click.cbpFWSlider', $.proxy( this._navigate, this, 'next' ) );
this.$navDots.on( 'click.cbpFWSlider', function() { self._jump( $( this ).index() ); } );
_navigate : function( direction ) {
// do nothing if the list is currently moving
if( this.isAnimating ) {
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// update old and current values
this.old = this.current;
if( direction === 'next' && this.current < this.itemsCount - 1 ) {
//***I think maybe it goes here?!?
else if( direction === 'previous' && this.current > 0 ) {
//***I think maybe it goes here?!?
// slide
_slide : function() {
// check which navigation arrows should be shown
// translate value
var translateVal = -1 * this.current * 100 / this.itemsCount;
if( this.support ) {
this.$list.css( 'transform', this.support3d ? 'translate3d(' + translateVal + '%,0,0)' : 'translate(' + translateVal + '%)' );
else {
this.$list.css( 'margin-left', -1 * this.current * 100 + '%' );
var transitionendfn = $.proxy( function() {
this.isAnimating = false;
}, this );
if( this.support ) {
this.$list.on( this.transEndEventName, $.proxy( transitionendfn, this ) );
else {
_toggleNavControls : function() {
// if the current item is the first one in the list, the left arrow is not shown
// if the current item is the last one in the list, the right arrow is not shown
switch( this.current ) {
case 0 : this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.hide(); break;
case this.itemsCount - 1 : this.$navNext.hide(); this.$navPrev.show(); break;
default : this.$navNext.show(); this.$navPrev.show(); break;
// highlight navigation dot
this.$navDots.eq( this.old ).removeClass( 'cbp-fwcurrent' ).end().eq( this.current ).addClass( 'cbp-fwcurrent' );
_jump : function( position ) {
// do nothing if clicking on the current dot, or if the list is currently moving
if( position === this.current || this.isAnimating ) {
return false;
this.isAnimating = true;
// update old and current values
this.old = this.current;
this.current = position;
// slide
destroy : function() {
if( this.itemsCount > 1 ) {
this.$list.css( 'width', 'auto' );
if( this.support ) {
this.$list.css( 'transition', 'none' );
this.$items.css( 'width', 'auto' );
var logError = function( message ) {
if ( window.console ) {
window.console.error( message );
$.fn.cbpFWSlider = function( options ) {
if ( typeof options === 'string' ) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 );
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'cbpFWSlider' );
if ( !instance ) {
logError( "cannot call methods on cbpFWSlider prior to initialization; " +
"attempted to call method '" + options + "'" );
if ( !$.isFunction( instance[options] ) || options.charAt(0) === "_" ) {
logError( "no such method '" + options + "' for cbpFWSlider instance" );
instance[ options ].apply( instance, args );
else {
this.each(function() {
var instance = $.data( this, 'cbpFWSlider' );
if ( instance ) {
else {
instance = $.data( this, 'cbpFWSlider', new $.CBPFWSlider( options, this ) );
return this;
} )( jQuery, window );