So Microsoft has been running IE7 browsers as bots because even though YOU should upgrade why not run an IE7 bot, right? >__> So any way in my JavaScript error log I keep getting an obnoxious error that I can't figure out. I've run IE7/XP 64 in a virtual machine and can't reproduce the error...

function page()
 var a = decodeURI(window.location.href).split(path,2);
 var b = a[1].split(section()+'/',2);
 return b[1];

function section()
 var a = decodeURI(window.location.href).split(path,2);
 var b = a[1].split('/',2);
 return b[0];

The error message...

Object expected

...which occurs on the last line of the function: }. Yeah, that helps.

So since I don't run IE7 bots could someone please give me some insight in to how to address this issue so their bot stops spawning needless errors?


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