我在我的 C# ASP.net Web 应用程序中创建了一个报告,以生成提案的封面。我正在尝试将提案 ID 传递给报告。我的数据集设置为接受提案 ID 作为查询参数,并且我定义了 GetByProposalID 和 FillByProposalID 方法。
/// <summary>
/// Generate the cover page report as a PDF file from a given proposal
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ProposalID">Proposal ID from the database of the proposal</param>
public void GenerateCoverPage( int ProposalID )
ReportViewer viewer = new ReportViewer();
viewer.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Local;
viewer.LocalReport.ReportPath = "ReportCoverPage.rdlc"; //sets the report from the project RDLC file
//Connect the dataset to the report
ds_ReportCoverPage ds = new ds_ReportCoverPage();
ds_ReportCoverPage.dt_ReportCoverPageDataTable table = new ds_ReportCoverPage.dt_ReportCoverPageDataTable();
ds_ReportCoverPageTableAdapters.dt_ReportCoverPageTableAdapter ta = new ds_ReportCoverPageTableAdapters.dt_ReportCoverPageTableAdapter();
ta.FillByProposalID(table, ProposalID); //This SHOULD fill the adapter with the data from the selected proposal
ReportDataSource source = new ReportDataSource("ds_Report_ReportCoverPage", ds.Tables[0]); //Name must match the data source name within the report
//Run-time exception that there is no report parameter "@Proposal"
//ReportParameter parm = new ReportParameter("@Proposal", ProposalID.ToString()); //Placeholder in report query
string filepath = "C:\\Temp\\foo.pdf";
SavePDF(viewer, filepath);
如您所见,我尝试将参数作为 a 传递ReportParameter
(由于在 SO 上查找其他问题,我已经走到了这一步。)