I am currently trying to create a pathfinding method for my grid based game based on the A* method algorithm. However I am having a basic problem with manipulating variables within my PathNode class instances:

public void AStarPathfinding(PathNode snakeHead, PathNode foodLocation) {



        int xHead = (int) snakeSegments.get(0);
        int yHead = (int) snakeSegments.get(1);

        snakeHead.xCoordinate = (int) xHead;
        snakeHead.yCoordinate = (int) yHead;
        foodLocation.xCoordinate = (int) food.xFood;
        foodLocation.yCoordinate = (int) food.yFood;

however I am receiving null-point exception errors:

Exception in thread "Thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at ArtificialSnake.AStarPathfinding(ArtificialSnake.java:136)

which is this line:

snakeHead.xCoordinate = (int) xHead;

The idea is to set the startNode(snakeHead) to the current snake head's location.... but as suggested above I cannot work out how to modify the xCoordinate variable in the snakeHead instance of the PathNode class.

Looking at another question: Edit variables from object in ArrayList?

It suggests using setters, I have tired this however I still get null point exception errors.

Note: the Thread2 is the gameLoop thread separate from the Swing U.I, the class that this pathfinding method is in is part of the same thread.

What am I missing here?

mysqli_num_rows returns 1 no matter what

When I do a SQL search in phpMyAdmin (substituting the variable for the actual value) it returns the correct row number but when using PHP to return this value it always returns 1 no matter what. Thanks in advance.

function user_exists($username) {
    $link = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','','test');
    $username = sanitize($username);
    $query = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT COUNT(`user_id`) FROM `new_base` WHERE `username`='$username'");
    $row_cnt = mysqli_num_rows($query);
    echo $row_cnt;

1 回答 1


如果您在该行上收到一个空指针错误,snakeHead.xCoordinate = (int) xHead;这意味着,请检查它没有snakeHead被传递到方法中。如果您想知道为什么没有发生空指针错误是因为可以添加到某些 java 集合中,那么它们不会全部尝试对您传递给它们的内容执行任何操作(那些可能调用,或取决于集合类型及其实现)。nullnullopenNodes.add(snakeHead);nullhashCode()equals()compare()



于 2013-08-05T18:40:29.377 回答