所以在过去的几个小时里,我似乎一直在为此挠头……现在大约 6 个小时,我似乎无法弄清楚。我查看了关于 SO 的各种问题/答案,但没有一个给我答案。


注意:即使未提供完整的 object_layout,我也希望对象匹配。


var data = {
    "some object" : {
        name: "some object",
        has: "properties",
        types: [

    "another": {
        property: false,
        name: "another",
        object: "here",
        test: "this",
        object: "strings"

    "minimal object": {
        test: "this too"

    "minimal matching object": {
        property: true,
        name: "minimal matching object",
        test: "this",
        object: "strings"

    "matching object": {
        test: "this",
        property: true,
        name: "matching object",
        this_object: { 
            some: "object" 

可以检测数组的 typeof 原型函数。以后会用到。

Object.prototype.typeof = function(object) {
  if (!object) { return 'undefined' }

    if (typeof(object) === "object" && 'splice' in object && 'join' in object) {
      return 'array';

    return typeof(object);

作为 Object 原型的 find 函数。

Object.prototype.find = function(object_layout) {

  var found_objects;

  for (object in this) { // loop through objects in this object.

    if (object != 'typeof' && object != 'find') { // skip these functions in our object.
      console.log('object: ' + object);

      for (property in object_layout) {

        if (object_layout.hasOwnProperty(property)) {

          var object_type = Object.typeof(object_layout[property]);
          if (object_type == 'string') {

            console.log('Property ' + property);
            console.log('value: ' + object_layout[property]);

            if (object_layout[property] != this[object][property]) { // if object_layout property doesnt exist in object.
            if (found_objects && found_objects[object]) { console.log(object + " removed from found_objects"); delete found_objects[object]; }// if in found_objects then remove.
              console.log("property doesn't exist.");
              break; // break to next object.

            if (!found_objects) { found_objects = {} }
            if (!found_objects[object]) { console.log("Added object: " + object); found_objects[object] = this[object]; }

          } else if (object_type == 'object') { // recurse into object
            console.log('object type: ' + property);
            console.log("Recurse: " + JSON.stringify(this[object][property]));

            if (this[object][property]) {
              this[object][property].find(object_layout[property]); // recurse broken...

            break; // break to next object


  if (found_objects) { return found_objects; }
  return false;


var results = data.find(
  test: "this",
  property: true,
  this_object: { 
    some: "object"

console.log(results), true, 3));


Added object: matching object
Property property
value: true
object type: this_object
Recurse: {"some":"object"}
object: some
Property some
value: object
property doesn't exist.



1 回答 1



  • 为每个对象添加一个原型,以便您可以在任何地方使用它。只需在您的应用程序中 require() 一次。
  • 将巧妙地跳过它不知道如何处理的任何对象。
  • 使用字符串、数字、布尔值和递归对象来查找匹配项。
  • 根据需要无限次递归!

当我有更多时间时,我计划将数组对象添加到列表中。现在,这里是代码。我还计划将此作为 Node 用户的 npm 模块。甚至可以将其上传到 Github。敬请关注。

Object.prototype.find = function(object_layout) {

    var found_objects;

    for (object in this) { // loop through objects in this object.
        var this_object = object; // place to store the current object.

        if (Object.typeof([this[object]]) != 'function') {

            for (property in object_layout) {
                var this_property = property; // place to store the current property;

                if (Object.typeof(this[this_object][this_property]) != 'function') {

                    if (object_layout.hasOwnProperty(this_property)) {

                        var object_type = Object.typeof(object_layout[this_property]);
                        if (object_type == 'string' || object_type == 'number' || object_type == 'boolean') {

                            if (object_layout[this_property] != this[this_object][this_property]) { // if object_layout property doesnt exist in object.
                                if (found_objects && found_objects[this_object]) { delete found_objects[this_object]; }// if in found_objects then remove.
                                break; // break to next object.

                            // Add object to found_objects
                            if (!found_objects) { found_objects = {} }
                            if (!found_objects[this_object]) { found_objects[this_object] = this[this_object]; }

                        } else if (object_type == 'object') { // recurse into object

                            if (!this[this_object][this_property]) { //object property doesn't exist
                                if (found_objects && found_objects[this_object]) { delete found_objects[this_object]; }// if in found_objects then remove.

                            var recurse_object_data = {}
                            recurse_object_data[this_property] = this[this_object][this_property];

                            if (!recurse_object_data.find(object_layout[this_property])) { // recursive property doesn't exist, delete it.
                                if (found_objects && found_objects[this_object]) { delete found_objects[this_object]; }// if in found_objects then remove.
                                break; // break to next object.   

                            } else {
                                // Add object to found_objects
                                if (!found_objects) { found_objects = {} }
                                if (!found_objects[this_object]) { found_objects[this_object] = this[this_object]; }

                        } else if (object_type == 'array') {

                        } else {
                            //console.log('.find object: ' + object_type);


    if (found_objects && found_objects.size() > 0) { return found_objects; }
    return false;
于 2013-08-05T21:47:28.073 回答