详细信息: 假设我有一组这样的框坐标-
#Rect x1 y1 x2 y2 area
1 0.0000 0.0000 0.8147 0.1355 0.1104
2 0.8147 0.0000 1.0000 0.1355 0.0251
3 0.8147 0.1355 0.9058 0.8350 0.0637
4 0.0000 0.1355 0.1270 0.9689 0.1058
5 0.9058 0.1355 0.9134 0.2210 0.0006
6 0.9058 0.8350 1.0000 1.0000 0.0155
7 0.8147 0.8350 0.9058 1.0000 0.0150
8 0.1270 0.1355 0.6324 0.3082 0.0873
9 0.1270 0.9689 0.8147 1.0000 0.0214
10 0.0000 0.9689 0.1270 1.0000 0.0040
11 0.9134 0.1355 1.0000 0.2210 0.0074
12 0.9134 0.2210 1.0000 0.8350 0.0532
13 0.9058 0.2210 0.9134 0.8350 0.0047
14 0.6324 0.1355 0.8147 0.3082 0.0315
15 0.6324 0.3082 0.8147 0.9689 0.1205
16 0.1270 0.3082 0.6324 0.9689 0.3339
假设这些坐标将一个单位正方形分成如下图所示的子矩形 -
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
class Rect {
double x1, x2, y1, y2, area;
Rect(double X1, double Y1, double X2, double Y2, double Area) {
if (X1 < X2) {
x1 = X1; x2 = X2;
} else {
x2 = X1; x1 = X2;
if (Y1 < Y2) {
y1 = Y1; y2 = Y2;
} else {
y2 = Y1; y1 = Y2;
} Area =area;
bool NearestBox(Rect rect) {
//for x-axis
if (x1 == rect.x2 || x2 == rect.x1) {
if (y1 >= rect.y1 && y1 < rect.y2) {
return true;
if (y2 > rect.y1 && y2 <= rect.y2) {
return true;
// for y-axis
if (y1 == rect.y2 || y2 == rect.y1) {
if (x1 >= rect.x1 && x1 < rect.x2) {
return true;
if (x2 > rect.x1 && x2 <= rect.x2) {
return true;
return false;
int main() {
vector<Rect> rects;
//Rect( x1 , y1 , x2 , y2 , area)
rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.0000, 0.8147,0.1355, 0.1104));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.0000, 1.0000,0.1355, 0.0251));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.1355, 0.9058,0.8350, 0.0637));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.1355, 0.1270,0.9689, 0.1058 ));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.1355, 0.9134,0.2210, 0.0006));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.8350, 1.0000,1.0000, 0.0155));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.8147,0.8350, 0.9058,1.0000, 0.0150));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.1355, 0.6324,0.3082, 0.0873));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.9689, 0.8147,1.0000, 0.0214));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.0000,0.9689, 0.1270,1.0000, 0.0040));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.9134,0.1355, 1.0000,0.2210, 0.0074));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.9134,0.2210, 1.0000,0.8350, 0.0532));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.9058,0.2210, 0.9134,0.8350, 0.0047));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.6324,0.1355, 0.8147,0.3082, 0.0315));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.6324,0.3082, 0.8147,0.9689, 0.1205));
rects.push_back(Rect(0.1270,0.3082, 0.6324,0.9689, 0.3339));
int b=13;
int nearBox_count = 0;
//double area=0;
double TotalArea=0;
for (int x = 0; x < rects.size(); ++x) {
if (rects[b].NearestBox(rects[x])) {
if (x==b) {
continue; //this is our box , so do not count it.
printf("box[%d] is nearest to box[%d] and has area %f \n", (b+1), (x+1), rects[x].area);
TotalArea +=rects[x].area;
printf("Total number of nearest box for box[%d] = %d, and the sum of area is= %f \n", (b+1), nearBox_count, TotalArea );
return 0;
box[14] is nearest to box[1] and has area 0.000000
box[14] is nearest to box[3] and has area 0.000000
box[14] is nearest to box[8] and has area 0.000000
box[14] is nearest to box[15] and has area 0.000000
Total number of nearest box for box[14] = 4, and the sum of area is= 0.000000