作为自动备份我们的一些开发日志文件的一部分,我正在使用 Powershell 脚本,并想重命名我刚刚创建的一个 7zip 文件,以匹配第一个文件名称的最后一部分和最后一个文件的最后一部分档案。

例如; 我有三个文件,file1-03082013.log、file2-04082013.log 和 file3-05082013.log,这些文件是使用自动 Powershell 和 7zip 脚本压缩的,用于创建 log.zip。现在我想将 log.zip 重命名为 log-03082013 - 05082013(匹配我刚刚创建的存档中第一个文件的最后一部分和最后一个文件的最后一部分)。

这是迄今为止我创建的完整脚本。(我是在 Powershell 中编写脚本的新手,因此也非常欢迎任何关于如何改进我现有脚本的评论)希望你们能以任何方式提供帮助!提前致谢!


$Source = "C:\Path\"
$Destination = "C:\ZIP"
$Temp = "C:\Templog\"
$Previous = "C:\Templog\"
$programma = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

#Copy files to TempFolder

Function CopyFile
Copy-Item -Recurse -Filter "*.svclog" -path $Source -Destination $Temp

#Delete Old Log Files on server

Function DelOldFile
if (Test-Path $Source)
$Days = "7" 
$Now = Get-Date
$LastWrite = $Now.AddDays(-$days)
$Files = get-childitem $Source -include *.svclog -recurse |Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$LastWrite"}
foreach ($File in $Files)
{write-host "Deleting file $File" -foregroundcolor "Red"; Remove-Item $File | out-null}
{Write-Host "The folder $Source doesn't exist! Check the folder path!" -foregroundcolor "red"}

#Create .zip archive from files and folders in Temp folder and copy to destination folder using 7zip.

Function ZipFile
Start-Process $programma -ArgumentList "a $Destination\Log.zip $Temp" -Wait -PassThru

#Delete Temp Folder

Function GetPrevious
if (Test-Path $Previous){
    Remove-Item $Previous -Recurse -Force

2 回答 2


在 Davids 的帮助下,我最终想出了以下完整的脚本。希望它也能在未来的挑战中帮助你们。


#   Recursive Log Search, Archive & Del Script
#   Ver. 1.0.0  06/08/2013
#   Roelof Wijnholds

#Enter parentfolder
$sPath = "Path\to\parent\folder"

#Folder where the archive will be created (if it doesn't exist, folder will be created)
$tPath = "archive"

#Path to 7zip executable
$7z = "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"

checkForWebservices $sPath 5

#Check for bin & log folder & *.extension file
function checkValidWebservice($path)
    If((Test-Path $path\bin) -and (Test-Path $path\log) -and (Test-Path $path\*.svc)){
        write-host "Valid webservice structure found: " $path 
        return $true
        return $false

function checkForWebservices($path, $max, $level = 0)
    $path = (Resolve-Path $path).ProviderPath
    foreach ($item in @(Get-ChildItem $path))
        if ($item.Attributes -eq "Directory")
            if(checkValidWebservice $path)
                #Create name for compressed file
                $fileName = CreateCompressFileName $path
                if($fileName -ne $null)
                    #Compress files in folder
                    CompressAndRemoveLogFiles $fileName $path
                    Write-Host "Compressing and removing files"
                checkForWebservices $item.PSPath $max ($level + 1) 

            #Break if recursive goes to DEEP
            if ($level -eq $max)
                Write-Host "Max depth" $path\$item - $level

function CreateCompressFileName($path)
    #Get startingdate from file
    $fileNameFrom = Get-ChildItem $path\log | Where {$_.Extension -eq ".svclog"} | Sort-Object name | Select-Object -first 1
    if($fileNameFrom -ne $null)
        #Get first file
        if($fileBaseName -eq $null)
            #File is supposed to be servicename_20130508.svclog
            $fileBaseName = $fileNameFrom.BaseName.SubString(0,$fileNameFrom.BaseName.length - 9)
        $fileNameFrom = $fileNameFrom.BaseName.SubString($fileNameFrom.BaseName.length - 8,8)
        #Get last file
        $fileNameTo = Get-ChildItem $path\log | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt ((Get-Date).Date) -and $_.Extension -eq ".svclog" } | Sort-Object name -descending | Select-Object -first 1  

        if($fileNameTo -ne $null)
            $fileNameTo = $fileNameTo.BaseName.SubString($fileNameTo.BaseName.length - 8,8)
            #Compile the name
            return $fileBaseName+"_"+$fileNameFrom+"_"+$fileNameTo
    return $null    

function CompressAndRemoveLogFiles($fileName, $path)
    $cFiles = Get-ChildItem $path\log | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -lt ((Get-Date).Date) -and $_.Extension -eq ".svclog" } 

    Foreach ($item in $cFiles)
        #Add file to archive
        $endPath = $path.TrimStart($sPath)
        $target = "{0}\{1}\{2}\{3}" -f $sPath,$tPath,$endPath,$fileName

        $result = & $7z a -mx5 -mmt $target $item.FullName
        #Cleanup files
        Remove-Item $path\log\$item
于 2013-08-06T09:52:06.470 回答

这应该可以帮助您这是一个根据您的要求获取 zip 文件名称的函数,只需将其传递给您的日志文件的位置:

function Get-ZipFileName

    # Get a list of files, remove the extension and split on the hyphen, #
    # then take the second part of the array 
    $filenames = gci -Path $logPath -Filter "*.log" | % { $($_.Basename -split "-")[1] }

    # Get the first item in the now sorted list
    $first = $filenames | Sort-Object | Select-Object -First 1

    # Get the first item in the sorted list, now descending to get the last
    $last  = $filenames | Sort-Object -descending | Select-Object -First 1

    # return the filename
    "log-{0} - {1}" -f $first, $last

我建议您考虑使用稍微不同的日期格式,这样排序会更好,yyyymmdd 会比 ddmmyyyy 排序更好。

于 2013-08-05T15:52:14.320 回答