在父页面中,它有一个预览按钮来提示一个 radwindow。
当用户单击 radwindow 的关闭 [X] 按钮时,如何刷新父页面中的网格。
radwindow 在后面的代码中生成:
Protected Sub rtbMenu_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.RadToolBarEventArgs) Handles rtbMenu.ButtonClick
If e.Item.Value = "Preview" Then
Dim url = "~/TrainingAdmin/SIMPER_view.aspx?SIMPER_ID=0&UserID=" & Request.QueryString("UserID") & "&From=" & RadDatePicker_ValidFrom.SelectedDate & "&To=" & RadDatePicker_ValidTill.SelectedDate
Dim windowManager As New RadWindowManager()
Dim window1 As New RadWindow()
' Set the window properties
window1.NavigateUrl = url
window1.ID = "RadWindow1"
window1.Height = 750
window1.Width = 740
window1.Top = 140
window1.Left = 250
window1.AutoSize = False
window1.VisibleTitlebar = True
window1.VisibleStatusbar = False
window1.VisibleOnPageLoad = True
' Set this property to True for showing window from code
ElseIf e.Item.Value = "Refresh" Then
Response.Redirect("~/TrainingAdmin/SIMPER_details.aspx?userID=" & Request.QueryString("UserID"))
End If
End Sub