(function($) {
var isIE = false;
// conditional compilation which tells us if this is IE
isIE = true;
// Events to monitor if 'input' event is not supported
// The boolean value is whether we have to
// re-check after the event with a setTimeout()
var events = [
"keyup", false,
"blur", false,
"focus", false,
"drop", true,
"change", false,
"input", false,
"textInput", false,
"paste", true,
"cut", true,
"copy", true,
"contextmenu", true
// Test if the input event is supported
// It's too buggy in IE so we never rely on it in IE
if (!isIE) {
var el = document.createElement("input");
var gotInput = ("oninput" in el);
if (!gotInput) {
el.setAttribute("oninput", 'return;');
gotInput = typeof el["oninput"] == 'function';
el = null;
// if 'input' event is supported, then use a smaller
// set of events
if (gotInput) {
events = [
"input", false,
"textInput", false
$.fn.userChange = function(fn, data) {
function checkNotify(e, delay) {
var self = this;
var this$ = $(this);
if (this.value !== this$.data("priorValue")) {
this$.data("priorValue", this.value);
fn.call(this, e, data);
} else if (delay) {
// The actual data change happens aftersome events
// so we queue a check for after
// We need a copy of e for setTimeout() because the real e
// may be overwritten before the setTimeout() fires
var eCopy = $.extend({}, e);
setTimeout(function() {checkNotify.call(self, eCopy, false)}, 1);
// hook up event handlers for each item in this jQuery object
// and remember initial value
this.each(function() {
var this$ = $(this).data("priorValue", this.value);
for (var i = 0; i < events.length; i+=2) {
(function(i) {
this$.on(events[i], function(e) {
checkNotify.call(this, e, events[i+1]);
$("#whatever").userChange(yourCallbackFn, optionalData);