I am using the library found at this link: https://code.google.com/p/simple-iphone-image-processing/

I implemented Image.h and Image.mm and I get the Canny Edge Detection filter by using this code:

- (IBAction)findEdges {
    ImageWrapper *greyScale=Image::createImage(_sourceImage, _sourceImage.size.width/4, _sourceImage.size.height/4);
    ImageWrapper *edges=greyScale.image->gaussianBlur().image->cannyEdgeExtract(0.4,0.6);
    // show the results
    UIImage *newimageView = edges.image->toUIImage();
    _imageView.image = newimageView;

Now I notice there is a method called findLargestStructure. This is that method:

void Image::findLargestStructure(std::vector<ImagePoint> *maxPoints) {
    // process the image
    std::vector<ImagePoint> points;
    for(int y=0; y<m_height; y++) {
        for(int x=0; x<m_width; x++) {
            // if we've found a point in the image then extract everything connected to it
            if((*this)[y][x]!=0) {
                extractConnectedRegion(x, y, &points);
                if(points.size()>maxPoints->size()) {
                    std::copy(points.begin(), points.end(), maxPoints->begin());

My question is, what exactly does this method do and how can I call it/use it from Objective C code? Pretty much my goal in the end of all of this is to use the Canny Edge Detection this library has and derive a CGRect somehow out of it by using the average of the biggest structure's edge points and then use that in my app.

So will the above method return a vector of those points or not? I am familiar with Objective-C but I am not that great with C++.

Any help/tips would be greatly appreciated!


1 回答 1


该代码与 Objective C 不兼容,因为它在接口中使用 C++ 类型,即std::vector<>.

该代码调用extractConnectedRegion多个点,并尝试返回最大的结果。有一些小问题:例如,分配 tomaxPoints会更好地完成maxPoints = points. (你可以做得更好,但这变得不明显)

于 2013-08-05T07:29:26.540 回答