
Microsoft offers some ways for selling our apps, but takes 30% and also there is a long time to come the money to my account.

Is there any other practical way for implementing a paid app, PayPal or something else? any reference is useful


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If you own the server to your applications - then there's nothing stopping you from charging for access to these web services. For example - where I work we sell access to our platform that is a corporate gateway. Users need an activation code when they start the app and a login and password to login and receive their content.

If you're okay with maintaining your own application authorization servers, you can easily add a state to your application that will verify with a server if they're OK to use it. Once they have, the application won't bother them anymore. The server software can be anything - probably a web stack. Then you can use any payment and eCommerence software you want to recieve the payment via your website.

Keep in mind - this is a giant hoop for some of your users, as they're going to need to login to your site and make a manual purchase. Heck, it's not verified either that they're getting 100% what they expect. So unless you have a really good reason to bypass the market, you probably shouldn't.

于 2013-08-04T07:08:56.770 回答

Keep one thing in mind... the cost of selling the app is one thing. It usually is if you feel your app is worthy enough that someone will pay a fee to download it.

The 30% cut to Microsoft is the same with other similiar platforms and an industry standard. Consider it a fee to be able to access the millions of Windows Mobile users to your application.

If you want to get optimum money, sure go ahead and use a server and have people sign up for a service and pay a fee but remember your app has to warrant a fee that you are charging wether one time or monthly. Also remember if the app is returned disputed by the PayPal user you run the risk of a charge back for which you will have to spend time answering. In the case of a Microsoft charge back you just get the money debited but you are not responsible to answer for the chargeback. Looking to bypass the 30% fee is very short sighted IMHO. Its not worth it to deal with PayPal.

于 2013-08-04T07:22:40.907 回答