Product estimates contain sub-products. Sub-products can contain also sub-products etc. Finally tree leafs contians materials. Maximum nesting level is 10.

Orders contain also products, sub-products and materials with ordered quantities. How to find the need of materials required to fullfill the orders?

Products, sub-products and materials are in single table:

create table toode (productid char(10) primary key );

Estimate table:

create table dok (
  dokumnr serial primary key,
  productid char(10) not null references toode

Sub-products and materials in estimates:

create table rid (
  id serial primary key,
  dokumnr int not null references dok,
  itemid char(10) not null references toode,
  quantity  numeric(12,4) -- quantity required to make one product


create table orderrows (
  id serial primary key,
  itemid char(10) not null references toode,
  quantity  numeric(12,4)  -- ordered quantity

Result should be query which return the need of materials and sub-products:

itemid char(10) not null references toode,
requiredquantity  numeric(12,4) -- total quantity of items required to make ordered products

How to implement this in Postgresql 9.2? Described fields should remain in those tables. It is possible to add additional columns and tables if this helps. Is it possible to make some universal query which works with unilimited nesting level. Or is it best way to create query which repeats some parts 10 times for maximum nensting level ?



  material1  2 pcs
  subproduct2  3 pcs

  material2 4 pcs

are described as

insert into dok values (1,'product1');
  insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (1, 'material1', 2);
  insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (1, 'subproduct2', 3);

insert into dok values (2,'subproduct2');
  insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (2, 'material2', 4);

If 10 pieces of product1 are ordered this is described as:

insert into orderrows (itemid, quantity ) values ('product1', 10);

Result should be:

material1  20 
material2  120

material1 quantity is calculated as 10*2.

material2 quantity is calculated as 10*3*4

Update 2

Joachim answer gives incorrect result on multi level estimates when last level contains more that one row. Last join LEFT JOIN rid rid2 ON rid2.dokumnr = dok2.dokumnr returns multiple rows and result table is duplicated.

Testcase http://sqlfiddle.com/#!12/e5c11/1/0 :

create table toode (productid char(15) primary key );

create table dok (
  dokumnr serial primary key,
  productid char(15) not null references toode

create table rid (
  id serial primary key,
  dokumnr int not null references dok,
  itemid char(15) not null references toode,
  quantity  numeric(12,4) -- quantity required to make one product

create table orderrows (
  id serial primary key,
  itemid char(15) not null references toode,
  quantity  numeric(12,4)  -- ordered quantity

INSERT INTO toode VALUES ('product1'),('material1'),('subproduct2'), ('material2'), ('material3');
insert into dok values (1,'product1');
insert into dok values (2,'subproduct2');

insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (1, 'material1', 1);
insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (1, 'subproduct2', 1);
insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (2, 'material2', 1);
insert into rid (dokumnr, itemid, quantity) values (2, 'material3', 1);

insert into orderrows (itemid, quantity ) values ('product1', 1);


Every quantity is 1 so result quantity must be 1 for every material.


Material2 and matererial3 rows are duplicated.

How to fix this ? Query should determine leaf nodes itself. Leaf nodes are not marked specially in data.


2 回答 2



;with recursive cte as (
    select r.itemid, r.quantity * o.quantity as quantity, false as is_material
    from orderrows as o
        inner join dok as d on d.productid = o.itemid
        inner join rid as r on r.dokumnr = d.dokumnr


    select r.itemid, r.quantity * o.quantity as quantity, itemid like 'material%'
    from cte as o
        inner join dok as d on d.productid = o.itemid
        inner join rid as r on r.dokumnr = d.dokumnr
select * from cte as c
where c.itemid not in (select t.productid from dok as t);

这是测试它的SQL FIDDLE示例。在这里,我假设您将材料定义为名称以“材料”开头的产品,但我认为您is_material的数据库中应该有一个属性或类似的东西,因此您可以更改此条件。

更新- 测试用例sql fiddle

于 2013-08-04T07:27:25.370 回答


WITH RECURSIVE t(itemid,qty) AS (
  SELECT itemid,quantity,false isleaf FROM orderrows
  SELECT rid.itemid,(rid.quantity*t.qty)::NUMERIC(12,4),
         dok2.productid IS NULL
  FROM t 
  JOIN dok ON dok.productid=t.itemid
  JOIN rid ON rid.dokumnr=dok.dokumnr
  LEFT JOIN dok dok2 ON dok2.productid=rid.itemid
SELECT itemid, SUM(qty) FROM t WHERE isleaf GROUP BY itemid

一个用于测试的 SQLfiddle

于 2013-08-04T07:27:46.353 回答