// If you want the search/replace to be case sensitive, remove the
// StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase
Dictionary<string, string> replaces = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) {
// The format is word to be searched, word that should replace it
// or String.Empty to simply remove the offending word
{ "why", "xxx" },
{ "you", "yyy" },
void Main()
string a = "why and you it and You it";
// This will search for blocks of letters and numbers (abc/abcd/ab1234)
// and pass it to the replacer
string b = Regex.Replace(a, @"\w+", Replacer);
string Replacer(Match m)
string found = m.ToString();
string replace;
// If the word found is in the dictionary then it's placed in the
// replace variable by the TryGetValue
if (!replaces.TryGetValue(found, out replace))
// otherwise replace the word with the same word (so do nothing)
replace = found;
// The word is in the dictionary. replace now contains the
// word that will substitute it.
// At this point you could add some code to maintain upper/lower
// case between the words (so that if you -> xxx then You becomes Xxx
// and YOU becomes XXX)
return replace;
从 cl es 中删除ass
es :-)),并且仅在您只需要删除单词时才起作用:
var escapedStrings = yourReplaces.Select(Regex.Escape);
string result = Regex.Replace(yourInput, @"\b(" + string.Join("|", escapedStrings) + @")\b", string.Empty);