提交我的表单 (_reply_form.html.erb) 时,我收到此错误:
Routing Error
No route matches [POST] "/responses/replies/4"
Try running rake routes for more information on available routes.
response_replies POST /responses/:response_id/replies(.:format) replies#create
<%= form_for(@reply, :url => response_reply_path([@response, @reply])) do |f| %>
<%= render 'common/form_errors', object: @reply %>
<%= f.label :body, "Your Reply" %>
<%= f.text_area(:body, :rows => 10, :class => "field span6") %>
<%= f.submit "Post Reply", :class => "block" %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'replies/reply_form', {:response => @response, :reply => @reply} %>
<% if @offering.responses.any? %>
<%= render @offering.responses %>
<% else %>
<p>This offering has no responses yet.</p>
<% end %>
class ResponsesController < ApplicationController
before_filter :auth, only: [:create]
def show
@offering = Offering.new
@response = Response.new
@reply = Reply.new
def create
@offering = Offering.find(params[:offering_id])
# now that we have our offering we use it to
# build a response with it
@response = @offering.responses.build(params[:response])
# now we get the user who posted the response
@response.user = current_user
if @response.save
flash[:success] = 'your response has been posted!'
redirect_to @offering
@offering = Offering.find(params[:offering_id])
render 'offerings/show'
resources :offerings, except: [:new] do
# makes it easier for us to display
# forms for responses on the offering show page
# allows us to have access to the
# offering that the response is associated to
resources :responses, only: [:create]
resources :responses, except: [:new] do
resources :replies, only: [:create]
rake 路线产生这个:
root / dashboard#index
users POST /users(.:format) users#create
new_user GET /users/new(.:format) users#new
sessions POST /sessions(.:format) sessions#create
new_session GET /sessions/new(.:format) sessions#new
need_applicants GET /needs/:need_id/applicants(.:format) applicants#index
POST /needs/:need_id/applicants(.:format) applicants#create
new_need_applicant GET /needs/:need_id/applicants/new(.:format) applicants#new
edit_need_applicant GET /needs/:need_id/applicants/:id/edit(.:format) applicants#edit
need_applicant GET /needs/:need_id/applicants/:id(.:format) applicants#show
PUT /needs/:need_id/applicants/:id(.:format) applicants#update
DELETE /needs/:need_id/applicants/:id(.:format) applicants#destroy
needs GET /needs(.:format) needs#index
POST /needs(.:format) needs#create
edit_need GET /needs/:id/edit(.:format) needs#edit
need GET /needs/:id(.:format) needs#show
PUT /needs/:id(.:format) needs#update
DELETE /needs/:id(.:format) needs#destroy
offering_responses POST /offerings/:offering_id/responses(.:format) responses#create
offerings GET /offerings(.:format) offerings#index
POST /offerings(.:format) offerings#create
edit_offering GET /offerings/:id/edit(.:format) offerings#edit
offering GET /offerings/:id(.:format) offerings#show
PUT /offerings/:id(.:format) offerings#update
DELETE /offerings/:id(.:format) offerings#destroy
response_replies POST /responses/:response_id/replies(.:format) replies#create
responses GET /responses(.:format) responses#index
POST /responses(.:format) responses#create
edit_response GET /responses/:id/edit(.:format) responses#edit
response GET /responses/:id(.:format) responses#show
PUT /responses/:id(.:format) responses#update
DELETE /responses/:id(.:format) responses#destroy
register /register(.:format) users#new
login /login(.:format) sessions#new
/offerings(.:format) offerings#index
/needs(.:format) needs#index
dashboard /dashboard(.:format) dashboard#index
contact /contact(.:format) contact#index
your_offerings /your_offerings(.:format) offerings#your_offerings
your_needs /your_needs(.:format) needs#your_needs
search /search(.:format) offerings#search
logout DELETE /logout(.:format) sessions#destroy