我正在使用 Twitter-tools api.GetSearch 在 Twitter 上查找信息。该代码有效,但它检索的数据本身是混乱的。我将如何使数据更易于理解。例如,按每个单独的推文分解数据。现在数据看起来像这样..

[你在苹果商店的销售额每平方英尺下降了 4.5%。寻找新的零售主管:http : //t.co/YQ0LQGXfXp $AAPL', u'在罕见的举动中,奥巴马政府否决了禁止销售某些 Apple 设备。http://t.co/UMCTcC1TQu $AAPL',u"AT&T 声称它是美国第一家完全取消收银机的商店,甚至在苹果之前。http: //t.co/pWmTQCHlBm $T @ATT $aapl $VZ", u"司法部正在寻求监督苹果的 iTunes 商店以遏制反竞争行为。


[你在苹果商店的销售额每平方英尺下降了 4.5%。寻找新的零售主管: http: //t.co/YQ0LQGXfXp $AAPL',

u'在罕见的举动中,奥巴马政府否决了禁止销售某些苹果设备的决定。http://t.co/UMCTcC1TQu $AAPL',

u“AT&T 声称它是美国第一家完全取消收银机的商店,甚至在苹果之前。http: //t.co/pWmTQCHlBm $T @ATT $aapl $VZ”,

u“司法部正在寻求监督苹果的 iTunes 商店,以遏制反竞争行为。



import simplejson
import httplib2
import twitter

api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='consumer key', consumer_secret='consumer secret',  access_token_key='access token', access_token_secret='access token secret')

search = api.GetSearch(term='$aapl', geocode=None, since_id=None, max_id=None, until=None,   count=15, lang=None, result_type='mixed', include_entities=None)

print [s.text for s in search]

1 回答 1



import simplejson
import httplib2
import twitter

api = twitter.Api(consumer_key='consumer key', consumer_secret='consumer secret',  access_token_key='access token', access_token_secret='access token secret')

search = api.GetSearch(term='$aapl', geocode=None, since_id=None, max_id=None, until=None,   count=15, lang=None, result_type='mixed', include_entities=None)

#if you're not printing to the console, e.g. you're printing to a file
print [s.text+'\n' for s in search]

#otherwise use this
import pprint
pprint.pprint([s.text for s in search])


[u'Sales at Apple stores have fallen 4.5% per square foot. The search for a new head of retail: http://t.co/YQ0LQGXfXp $AAPL',
 u'In rare move, Obama administration vetoes ban on sale of some Apple devices. http://t.co/UMCTcC1TQu $AAPL',
 u"AT&T claims it's the 1st U.S. store, even before Apple, to do away completely w/o cash registers. http://t.co/pWmTQCHlBm $T @ATT $aapl $VZ"]


from __future__ import print_function
[print(s.text,'\n') for s in search]


Sales at Apple stores have fallen 4.5% per square foot. The search for a new head of retail: http://t.co/YQ0LQGXfXp $AAPL

In rare move, Obama administration vetoes ban on sale of some Apple devices. http://t.co/UMCTcC1TQu $AAPL

AT&T claims it's the 1st U.S. store, even before Apple, to do away completely w/o cash registers. http://t.co/pWmTQCHlBm $T @ATT $aapl $VZ

确认; 你对数据没问题,你只是希望它以不同的方式打印出来?

于 2013-08-03T21:22:41.930 回答