我正在用 C++ 加载一个 delphi dll。当我使用带有 char* 的函数作为缓冲区(char* 作为过程的参数)时,我只得到垃圾数据。当我有返回 char* 的函数时,一切都很好。

我是 C++ 新手,我花了很多时间试图破解它。请帮忙。

一切都在下面的代码中解释。我已经放了 3 个函数来准确显示我的意思。

缓冲区有问题的示例函数是:DLL_PingConnection(var avXml:PChar):Boolean; - 它返回真/假,作为参数它需要缓冲区并且函数在缓冲区中完成应该有有效的xml(但只有垃圾)

#include <windows.h> //this will load delphi dll
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

// ------------------------------------------------ pointers on functions inside Delphi DLL (32 bits)
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_SetLicense)(char*, char*); //initialize dll stuff - I load licence from a file into char* - everything works fine
typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //the char* is buffer - I give empty char* as parameter and I should get correct xml with serwer data - I GET ONLY TRASH :(
typedef char*(*TYPE_DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION)(void); //this function does not use buffer it returns char* - everything works fine

//so as you see problem is with buffers and function like this: DLL_PingConnection(buffer)

int main()

// ------------------------------------------------ Loading the library  
    HINSTANCE hGetProcIDDLL = LoadLibrary("C:\\full_path\\SOMEDLL.dll");

    //checking the library
    if (hGetProcIDDLL == NULL) {std::cout << "Could NOT load the dynamic library" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
    else{std::cout << "dynamic library loaded" << std::endl;}

// ------------------------------------------------ START: resolving functions adresses

    TYPE_DLL_SetLicense DLL_SetLicense = (TYPE_DLL_SetLicense)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "DLL_SetLicense");
    if (!DLL_SetLicense) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_SetLicense" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
    else{std::cout << "Function DLL_SetLicense located" << std::endl;}

    TYPE_DLL_PingConnection DLL_PingConnection = (TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)GetProcAddress(hGetProcIDDLL, "DLL_PingConnection");
    if (!DLL_PingConnection) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_PingConnection" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
    else{std::cout << "Function DLL_PingConnection located" << std::endl;}

    if (!DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION) {std::cout << "Could NOT locate the function: DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION" << std::endl;return EXIT_FAILURE;}
    else{std::cout << "Function DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION located" << std::endl;}        

std::cout << "\n\nInitialization over. \n\n" << std::endl;  

// ------------------------------------------------ START: calling functions from delphi dll       

//DLL_SetLicence - this function take buffer as parameter, but dont return anything into the buffer. All works fine.

    //start - we read licence from file
    char buffer_licence[1242];

//I read content of buffer_licence usinf ifstream from the file here (but I don't put the code, to keep sample minimal)

    //we set licence with dll function
    bool is_licence = DLL_SetLicense(buffer_licence,(char*)"");

    //the output
    if (is_licence == TRUE)
      std::cout << "Licence has been set\n";
      std::cout << "Licence has been NOT set\n";

//DLL_PingConnection - it takes empty buffer as parameter, it should save xml into buffer but it saves only trash.

    //we try to save ping to the file - buffer
    char buffor_ping_xml[2000];

    //this should gieve proper xml, but it returns only trash.... please help
    bool is_ping = DLL_PingConnection(buffor_ping_xml);


        std::cout << "DLL_PingConnection True\n"; //function returned true, so it worked correct.

        std::cout << buffor_ping_xml; //but in the buffer is trash that I show on the screen. I also tried to put buffor_ping_xml info the file (diferent ways) but always result was trash just like on screen.

        std::cout << "DLL_PingConnection False: \n";

//DLL_ERR_DESCRIPTION - if will automaticly return error description if there is any error to report. No buffer, no problems.

        std::cout << buffor_ping_xml; //the data on screet is fine, so is in file and everywhere else.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

PingConnection 函数将只返回这个而不是好的 xml。



最初我使用的是 Netbeans + MinGW,但正如评论中所建议的,我使用了替代编译器:Borland builder c++ 6.0 和 Embarcadero RAD Studio XE3 (C++ Builder)。即使我使用了 Remy Lebeau 提到的所有调用约定类型,问题仍然存在。

typedef bool(*TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //standard calling convention default for compiler - returns trash
typedef bool(__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //returns trash also
typedef bool(__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //doesnt write anything to the buffer
typedef bool(__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*); //returns trash

我在 c++ builder 下遇到了小问题。在这种环境下我无法清理缓冲区:

memset(buffer,0,sizeof(buffer)); // will crash the program under c++ builder

尝试使用 'char *&' 也会使程序崩溃。

typedef bool(__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool(__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);
typedef bool(__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);

char * buffer;
bool is_ping = DLL_PingConnection(buffer);

使用 char ** 会导致类型与缓冲区不匹配。


根据 David Heffernan 的要求,我附上了文档样本。重要部分被翻译成英文。Rest 只是 PIngConnection 应该返回的 xlm 结构。那里没有太多帮助 - 整个文档都是这样的。


PS:我在这里问过类似的问题:Trash characters when using buffers in c++ - code based on WxWidgets(我虽然 WxWidgets 会产生问题,但事实并非如此。也许有人会发现 WxWidgets 代码对你有用)。

编辑 3:

我设法获得了有关 dll 的更多信息。


确定调用类型是stdcall。( DLL_PingConnection: function(var avXml: PChar): Boolean; stdcall; )

这是在 delphi 中调用此 dll 中的函数的方式:

lPointer := nil;  //pointer
lOSOZPointer := nil; //pointer
lpXML := nil; //pChar

lPointer := lpXML;

if lWynik then
  lOSOZPointer := lpXML;
  //akcja na wyniku

if lPointer <> nil then begin
if lOSOZPointer <> nil then begin


1 回答 1


DLL_PingConnection(var avXml:PChar):Boolean;

这不是一个 完整的声明。显然,它是一个,function因为它有一个Boolean返回类型。但它是否也声明了一个调用约定—— stdcall__stdcall在 C/C++ 中)或cdecl__cdecl在 C/C++ 中)?如果不是,那么它将使用 Delphi 的默认register约定(仅__fastcall在 Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero C++ 编译器中,但在任何其他 C/C++ 编译器中没有等效项)。您现有的 typedef 使用 C++ 编译器的默认调用约定,通常是__cdecl. 调用约定不匹配是使用 DLL 时最常见的问题,因为它会导致调用堆栈管理不善,从而影响参数的传递、访问和清理方式。

另外,DLL是用什么版本的Delphi编写的?在 Delphi 2007 中是(在 C++ 中),但PCharPAnsiCharDelphi 2009 及更高版本中是(在 C++ 中)。很有可能,因为数据是 XML,所以/很可能被使用。char*PWideCharwchar_t*PAnsiCharchar*

此外,PChar参数在 Delphi 声明中作为 a 传递var,这与 C 中的指针和 C++ 中的引用相同。

您需要这些重要信息才能在 C/C++ 代码中使用此 DLL 函数。除非文档明确说明了这些细节,或者 DLL 有一个显示实际声明的 C/C++ .h/.hpp 文件,否则您能做的最好的就是猜测,并且鉴于您显示的声明不完整,可能有几种变体远的:


typedef bool (__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);

typedef bool (__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);

typedef bool (__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(char*&);

typedef bool (__cdecl *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);

typedef bool (__stdcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);

typedef bool (__fastcall *TYPE_DLL_PingConnection)(wchar_t*&);

如果 DLL 函数使用cdeclor stdcall,那么您就可以了,因为大多数 C/C++ 编译器都支持这些调用约定。但是,如果使用的是 DLL 函数register,并且您没有使用 Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero C++ 编译器,那么您就是 SOL。您必须将 DLL 包装在另一个 Delphi 编写的 DLL 中,该 DLL 导出使用更多可移植签名的包装函数。

于 2013-08-04T00:02:00.577 回答