Hi somehow i don't understand the differing display behaviour of a special character used within the content property in Firefox. i've stripped down everything and created a pen:


In its' basic form the three lines are way thinner than e.g. within Safari or Chrome. If i add font-weight: bold they get a little bit thicker but still thinner than within Safari/Chrome. What is causing that significant difference in thickness and size (it seems the glyph itself is also displayed bigger in Firefox) towards the other browsers? Any hint would be appreciated. Thanks Ralf


1 回答 1


过去我也注意到其他字形的这一点。在某些字形上,浏览器只是不呈现相同的!看看这个线程的另一个例子。对于这个问题,我建议你应该使用图标字体(你可以使用像 IcoMoon 这样的生成器),或者使用 SVG 文件。

于 2013-08-03T17:54:56.527 回答