
I found one algorithm problem. I solved that problem, but I want to optimize that. I ask the same problem here.


One String is given and the length of that string is N <= 10000000. All characters of that string is from 'a' to 'z'. Now we have to calculate smallest palindrome that we can make from given string by adding characters the end.


Given String = 'abab'

Output = 'ababa'

Reasoning: the string ababa contains the string abab starting from both the beginning and end of the string, with only 1 extra character on each end.


String = 'abbcd' Output = 'abbcdcbba'

My attemp

I can solve this problem in O(N^2) complexity.

My question

Can I solve this problem in less than O(N^2) time ? , If yes, than what is the algorithm? (Give me a hint)


2 回答 2





一个粗暴的实现将是O(n^2). 您可以O(n)通过使用两个滚动哈希来测试后缀是否为O(1).


hForward(suff)  = suff[0] * p^0 + suff[1] * p^1 + ... + suff[k] * p^k
hBackward(suff) = suff[k] * p^0 + suff[k-1] * p^1 + ... + suff[0] * p^k

When adding a new character to the suffix:
Note that this is added to the beginning, since we should iterate the suffixes
from right to left.
hForward(c + suff) = c * p^0 + p * hForward(suff)
hBackward(c + suff) = hBackward(suff) + c * p^(k + 1)  


如果我没有混淆,还有一个涉及KMP 算法的解决方案,但我不再熟悉它了。

于 2013-08-03T15:20:16.890 回答

一个直接的 θ(n) 方法(对于一个 n 字符的输入字符串 S)是在 θ(n) 时间内为 S 构建一个后缀树T。令R =反向(S)。在时间 O(n) 内,使用 T 在 S 的后缀中找到 R 的最长匹配。假设最长匹配有 m 个字符;即R的前m个字符匹配S的最后m个,m是最大的。令 P 为 R 的最后一个 nm 字符,或 S 的第一个 nm 的倒数。所需的结果是 S + P。

于 2013-08-03T18:27:28.373 回答