I'm working with some simple HTML and CSS, but I can't figure out how to achieve the effect I'm going for. Here's how it looks right now. The background image is the background for a container section and each red box is a section within that container. I like that the background image is continuous across the boxes (i.e. doesn't repeat), but I'd like it to not show up in the space between the boxes. Is there a way to accomplish this?
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如果空间很小,并且您希望整个页面上的任何地方都有背景,您可以使用 css 将边框应用到您的框,这将呈现“在您应用的背景之上”。在“TEAM” div 上放置一个border-right,在右上角的div 上放置一个border-bottom,将创建您正在谈论的“分离”。
如果您只想要红色部分中的背景,您可以考虑从后面的元素中删除背景,并将其分别应用于每个 div。通过使用 background-position,您可以使背景看起来像一个实心块,仅由框之间的空间隔开。
示例伪 CSS:
div.bottom_right {
background: transparent url(image/my_bg_image.jpg) 0 0 no-repeat;
div.top_right {
background-position: -500px 0; /* assumes the team div was 500px wide */
div.bottom_right {
background-position: -500px -250px; /* assumes the top_right div is 250px tall */
于 2013-08-03T16:05:06.660 回答