我目前正在通过模板元编程实现编译时 3d 栅格。
在实现了代数基础(2d/3d/4d 向量、3x3/4x4 矩阵算术、用于剔除目的的 aabb2d/3d 等)之后,我注意到整数算术对于向量转换来说不够好。于是我开始写定点实现:
template<typename T>
struct zero; //Gets the zero value of a type of data. For example, zero<std::integral_constant<int>> returns std::integral_constant<int,0>
template<typename T>
struct one;
/* Algebraic operations: */
template<typename LHS , typename RHS>
struct add;
template<typename LHS , typename RHS>
struct sub;
template<typename LHS , typename RHS>
struct mul;
template<int base , int exponent>
struct positive_pow : public std::integral_constant<long long int , base * positive_pow<base,exponent-1>::value> {};
template<int base>
struct positive_pow<base,0> : public std::integral_constant<long long int,1> {};
template<int number , int shift>
struct decimal_leftshift : public std::integral_constant<long long int,number * positive_pow<10, shift>::value> {};
template<int number , int shift>
struct decimal_rightshift : public std::integral_constant<long long int,number / positive_pow<10, shift>::value> {};
template<bool CONDITION , int NUMBER , int SHIFT>
struct decimal_shift_chooser
using shifter = decimal_leftshift<NUMBER,SHIFT>;
template<int NUMBER , int SHIFT>
struct decimal_shift_chooser<false,NUMBER,SHIFT>
using shifter = decimal_rightshift<NUMBER,-SHIFT>;
//This metafunction shifts to one direction or other depending on the sign of the shift count passed:
template<int number , int shift>
struct decimal_shift
using shifter = typename decimal_shift_chooser<( shift >= 0 ) , number , shift>::shifter;
static const long long int value = shifter::value;
这里是定点类型的实现。内部实现使用 along long
来存储数字。所以我有 64 位,即大约19 位十进制数字:
using fpbits = long long int;
using fdcount = unsigned int; //Fractional decimal digits count (Precision)
struct fixed_point
operator float()
return (float)BITS * std::pow(10.0f,-(float)PRECISION);
//An alias to define decimal numbers with default precision:
template<int mantissa , int exponent = 0> // MANTISSA x 10^EXPONENT
using decimal = fixed_point<decimal_shift<mantissa , DEFAULT_FRACTIONAL_PRECISION + exponent>::value>;
/* Previously defined common metafunctions implementation */
template<fpbits BITS , fdcount PRECISION>
struct zero<fixed_point<BITS,PRECISION>> : public fixed_point<0,PRECISION> {};
template<fpbits BITS , fdcount PRECISION>
struct one<fixed_point<BITS,PRECISION>> : public fixed_point<decimal_leftshift<1,PRECISION>::value,PRECISION> {};
template<fpbits BITS1 , fdbits BITS2 , fbcount PRECISION>
struct add<fixed_point<BITS1,PRECISION> , fixed_point<BITS2,PRECISION>> : public fixed_point<BITS1+BITS2 , PRECISION> {};
template<fpbits BITS1 , fdbits BITS2 , fbcount PRECISION>
struct sub<fixed_point<BITS1,PRECISION> , fixed_point<BITS2,PRECISION>> : public fixed_point<BITS1-BITS2 , PRECISION> {};
template<fpbits BITS1 , fdbits BITS2 , fbcount PRECISION>
struct mul<fixed_point<BITS1,PRECISION> , fixed_point<BITS2,PRECISION>> : public fixed_point<decimal_rightshift<BITS1*BITS2,PRECISION>::value , PRECISION> {};
正如我所指出的,该实现有 19 个十进制数字。因此,如果我们使用8 位小数精度并将 pi 乘以 2,则可以表示结果,对吗?就像在这个例子中一样:
using pi = decimal<3141592 , -6>; //3141592 x 10^-6 (3,141592) This fits in our 8 precision implementation.
using pi_2 = mul<pi,decimal<2>>; //pi*2 is 314159200 * 200000000 = 62831840000000000 >> 8.
//The inmediate result of the product fits in a
//long long (Has 17 decimal digits), so no problem?
int main()
std::cout << "pi: " << pi() << std::endl;
std::cout << "2*pi: " << pi_2() << std::endl;
pi: 3,14159
pi*2: -1e-07