这是一个基本的 MVVM 问题。



  1. 应该将可能的付款方式存储在哪里?模型还是视图模型?

  2. 如果是模型,当用户更改年龄时,谁应该下载新的支付方式列表?

模型应该在 MVVM 中包含什么内容和做什么?


2 回答 2




public class Model
    private readonly List<PaymentMethod> _allPaymentMethods; 
    public Model()
        // get payment types from the db
        // to populate master list
        _allPaymentMethods = new List<PaymentMethod> {new Cash(), new CreditCard()};
    public List<PaymentMethod> GetPaymentMethods(int age)
        List<PaymentMethod> result =
            _allPaymentMethods.Where(q => q.Age == age).ToList();
        return result;
public abstract class PaymentMethod
    public string Name { get; protected set; }
    public int Age { get; protected set; }
    public abstract void ProcessPayment();
    public override string ToString()
        return Name;
public class CreditCard:PaymentMethod
    public CreditCard()
        Name = "Credit Card";
        Age = 25;
    public override void ProcessPayment()
        Console.WriteLine("Thanks for using your card");
public class Cash:PaymentMethod
    public Cash()
        Name = "Cash";
        Age = 22;
    public override void ProcessPayment()
        Console.WriteLine("Thanks for paying cash");

这个示例硬编码了两种方法:Cash 和 Credit Card,每个类都知道如何在依赖继承处理公共属性的同时完成其工作。这种方法避免了“切换”,并在每个类中封装了所有业务规则和方法。因此,模型只公开了 ViewModel 需要知道的内容,以便在项目控件中向用户展示各种支付方式。

当用户更改年龄时,您的 VM 可以刷新列表。

VM 的代码片段看起来像...

public class ViewModel :INotifyPropertyChanged
    public ObservableCollection<PaymentMethod> Methods { get; set; }
    public ViewModel()
        Model m = new Model();
        Methods = new ObservableCollection<PaymentMethod>(m.GetPaymentMethods(22));
    #region INotifyPropertyChanged Implementation
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    protected virtual void OnPropertyChanged(string name)
        var handler = System.Threading.Interlocked.CompareExchange
               (ref PropertyChanged, null, null);
        if (handler != null)
            handler(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name));

无论您使用哪种方法(枚举或多态),经验法则是“VM 是否绝对需要知道这一点?我可以在我的架构中利用继承和多态的 OO 优势吗?”

于 2013-08-03T18:11:53.627 回答

Well, in my opinion the model should contain the list of payment methods, while the VM should contain a list to bind to the view. Example, what I would do is to have a List<PaymentOptions> on the model and a BindingList<PaymentOptions> or ObservableCollection<PaymentOptions> for the VM.

于 2013-08-03T14:11:55.403 回答