I am working on Zen Cart.My web site involves shopping and billing for which maintaining session is very important.All the steps work correctly until I make the payment.After i submit for the payment it always fails.As I checked the session data gets emptied.I cant understand why this happens as the same code is working perfectly on my localhost.It isnt the problem of the place of session_start.It is placed on the top.Can it be the problem of header redirect?What can be the other possibilities for the error?


2 回答 2


尝试检查文件并查找 session_destroy 是否已提及但未注释的地方。从会话被销毁后的文件开始搜索,显然!!!

于 2013-08-26T08:39:59.403 回答

尝试在您的第一个 php 文件中调用 session_start(),或在 php.ini 中将 session.auto_start 选项设置为 true。确保会话存储路径是可访问的。 php配置

于 2013-08-03T12:58:05.113 回答