Is there any limitations in what can connect with what? I have a big problem in connecting my db file in visual C# express, I always get "The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine." error when I test my connection. I have win 7 with ms access 2010 and access database engine, all 64-bit.


2 回答 2


You need to install the Office System Driver: Data Connectivity Components. Even though it says it is for Office 2007 it works with 2010 also. After you install that from there you should be able to just add a datasource within Visual Studio.

于 2013-08-03T07:24:38.210 回答

I think if you just run your project under x86 configuration that error will be removed

于 2013-08-03T07:41:58.180 回答