I am putting up a web site for a business and they want a page dedicated to their good reviews of their products.
They however don't want huge paragraphs taking up their page. Is there a way to make it so that for each review there is something they can click on, such as just a line of it, then "click here", that would expand each one individually?
I hade a gentlemen help me a little while back, but it only worked for one entry. I used the same javascript for all 3 and I am thinking that was incorrect.
Also, I am assuming this will expand the height of the page based on how long the review was. I only mention this because I have a footer at the bottom.
Anyway, JavaScript I assume?
<div class="comment">
This is the first line of the comment
<span id="extended_comment" style="display:none;">and this is the rest of the comment that is hiddden.</span> <a href="#" id="toggle">click here for more</a></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var toggle = document.getElementById('toggle');
toggle.onclick = function() {
var extended = document.getElementById('extended_commen…
if(this.innerHTML == 'click here for more') {
extended.style.display = 'inline';
this.innerHTML = 'click here for less';
} else {
extended.style.display = 'none';
this.innerHTML = 'click here for more';