在尝试查找 Canvas 上下文的 putImageData() 方法的文档时,我发现了如下内容:
根据我读过的文档,x 和 y 是源图像的索引,而dirtyX 和dirtyY 指定目标画布中绘制图像的坐标。然而,正如您将在下面的示例(和 JSFiddle)中看到的那样,调用 putImageData(imgData,x,y) 有效,而 putImageData(imgData, 0, 0, locX, locY) 无效。我不确定为什么。
我想我真正的问题是为什么图像的第一行是黑色的,并且只有 7 行,而不是 8 行。图像应该从画布的左上角开始。它们确实从左侧开始(并且有 8 列)。为什么他们不从顶部开始?
答:这是因为当 yLoc 为 0 时,这条线除以 0:
xoff = imgWidth / (yLoc/3);
<title>Canvas tutorial</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
var canvas;
var context; // The canvas's 2d context
function setupCanvas()
canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
if (canvas.getContext)
context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.fillStyle = "black"; // this is default anyway
context.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
function init()
var images = new Array();
var gatingTimer;
var curIndex, imgWidth=0, imgHeight;
// Load images
function loadImages()
for (n = 1; n <= 16; n++)
images[n] = new Image();
images[n].src = "qxsImages/frame" + n + ".png";
// document.body.appendChild(images[n]);
console.log("width = " + images[n].width + ", height = " + images[n].height);
curIndex = 1;
imgWidth = images[1].width;
imgHeight = images[1].height;
function redrawImages()
if (imgWidth == 0)
if (curIndex > 16)
curIndex = 1;
// To do later: use images[1].width and .height to layout based on image size
for (var x=0; x<8; x++)
for (var y=0; y<8; y++)
//if (x != 1)
// context.drawImage(images[curIndex], x*150, y*100);
// context.drawImage(images[curIndex], x*150, y*100, imgWidth/2, imgHeight/2); // scale
// else
self.drawCustomImage(x*150, y*100);
function drawCustomImage(xLoc, yLoc)
// create a new pixel array
imageData = context.createImageData(imgWidth, imgHeight);
pos = 0; // index position into imagedata array
xoff = imgWidth / (yLoc/3); // offsets to "center"
yoff = imgHeight / 3;
for (y = 0; y < imgHeight; y++)
for (x = 0; x < imgWidth; x++)
// calculate sine based on distance
x2 = x - xoff;
y2 = y - yoff;
d = Math.sqrt(x2*x2 + y2*y2);
t = Math.sin(d/6.0);
// calculate RGB values based on sine
r = t * 200;
g = 125 + t * 80;
b = 235 + t * 20;
// set red, green, blue, and alpha:
imageData.data[pos++] = Math.max(0,Math.min(255, r));
imageData.data[pos++] = Math.max(0,Math.min(255, g));
imageData.data[pos++] = Math.max(0,Math.min(255, b));
imageData.data[pos++] = 255; // opaque alpha
// copy the image data back onto the canvas
context.putImageData(imageData, xLoc, yLoc); // Works... kinda
// context.putImageData(imageData, 0, 0, xLoc, yLoc, imgWidth, imgHeight); // Doesn't work. Why?
function startGating()
gatingTimer = setInterval(redrawImages, 1000/25); // start gating
function stopGating()
<style type="text/css">
canvas { border: 1px solid black; }
<body onload="setupCanvas(); init();">
<canvas id="myCanvas" width="1200" height="800"></canvas>