我正在尝试为 question2answer 构建一个插件(不需要知识),当发布新问题时,它将该问题作为活动发布在 facebook 页面上。实现这一点不是问题。我遇到的,是坚持。
这是我目前正在使用的代码(这不是最终的,没有错误处理)。任何说 qa_opt 的东西都只是存储在 question2answer 数据库中的东西
$facebook2 = new Facebook(array(
'appId' => qa_opt('facebook_app_id'),
'secret' => qa_opt('facebook_secret')
// Try to extend token
$access_token = $facebook2->getExtendedAccessToken();
// As is, with the extended token, we currently post as the user, not the page. Let's fix that
$accounts = $facebook->api('/me/accounts?access_token='.$access_token);
foreach ( $accounts as $account )
if ( $account['id'] == qa_opt('facebook_page_id') )
$page_access_token = $account['access_token'];
break; // Stop processing foreach
$fbPageArgs = array('access_token' => $page_access_token,
'message' => 'A new question has been created!',
'link' => qa_q_path($params['postid'], $params['title'], true),
'name' => $params['title'],
'description' => $params['text']