I have fallowing schema:

var CountrySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    name: String,
    relations : { type: Number, default: 0, min : 0, max : 1},    

var DiplomacySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
    year: { type: Number, default: 1900, min : 1900, max: 2020 },
    countries: [CountrySchema]

with the corresponding document in the database

   year: 1950,
   countries: [
         name: "UK",
         relations: 0.5    
         name: "Germany",
         relations: 0.25    

I need to update UK current relations by some number, under constraint that updated value stays in the range boundaries. For example considering current UK relations is 0.5, update of +0.25 should lead to 0.75, update of -0.3 should result in 0.2, but update of +0.75 should be 1.


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