i have a list of teams and user can add a team to list of teams. the problem i having is that when i add an item to an list, angular re-renders the list and scroll position is reset to the top.
this is the template
<div ng-controller="scores">
<li ng-repeat="team in teams">
<button ng-click="decr(team)">-</button>
<button ng-click="incr(team)">+</button>
<a href="#" ng-click="add()">(+)Add Team</a>
here is the controller code
function scores($scope){
$scope.teams = [
{name:'red', score:100},
{name:'blue', score:100},
{name:'green', score:100}
$scope.decr= function(team){team.score-=1;};
$scope.incr= function(team){team.score+=1;};
$scope.add= function(){$scope.teams.push({name:"...", score:100});};
you can see working example here. http://jsbin.com/asedib/5