//draw the line
g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2);
//get center of the line
int centerX =x1 + ((x2-x1)/2);
int centerY =y1 + ((y2-y1)/2);
//get the angle in degrees
double deg = Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(centerY - y2, centerX - x2)+ Math.PI);
//need this in order to flip the text to be more readable within angles 90<deg<270
if ((deg>90)&&(deg<270)){
deg += 180;
double angle = Math.toRadians(deg);
String text = "My text";
Font f = new Font("default", Font.BOLD, 12);
FontMetrics fm = g.getFontMetrics(f);
//get the length of the text on screen
int sw = fm.stringWidth(text);
//rotate the text
g.rotate(angle, centerX, centerY);
//draw the text to the center of the line
g.drawString(text, centerX - (sw/2), centerY - 10);
//reverse the rotation
g.rotate(-angle, centerX, centerY);
感谢@rocketboy 和@resueman 的帮助