I'm working with Frama-C Fluorine-20130601
Glad to see that you found a way to use the latest version.
Here are some random bits of information that, although they do not completely answer your question, do not fit in a StackOverflow comment:
Jessie has:
#pragma JessieIntegerModel(modulo)
The above pragma makes it consider that all overflows (both the undefined signed ones and the defined unsigned ones) wrap around (in the same of signed overflows, in 2's complement arithmetic). The generated proof obligations are much harder, because they contain additional modulo operations everywhere. Of automated theorem provers, typically only Simplify is able to do something with them.
In Fluorine, RTE does not warn about a + b by default:
$ frama-c -rte t.c -then -print
[kernel] preprocessing with "gcc -C -E -I. t.c"
[rte] annotating function my_add
/* Generated by Frama-C */
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
uint32_t my_add(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
uint32_t __retres;
uint32_t r;
r = a + b;
if (r < a) {
__retres = 4294967295U;
goto return_label;
__retres = r;
return_label: return __retres;
RTE can be made to warn about the unsigned addition with option -warn-unsigned-overflow
$ frama-c -warn-unsigned-overflow -rte t.c -then -print
[kernel] preprocessing with "gcc -C -E -I. t.c"
[rte] annotating function my_add
/* Generated by Frama-C */
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
uint32_t my_add(uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
uint32_t __retres;
uint32_t r;
/*@ assert rte: unsigned_overflow: 0 ≤ a+b; */
/*@ assert rte: unsigned_overflow: a+b ≤ 4294967295; */
r = a + b;
But that's precisely the opposite of what you want so I don't see why you would do that.