在设置完所有用户、组和共享的 Freenas 初始安装后,USB 失败。数据都很好,但是我没有配置文件的备份。使用的 Freenas 版本是 FreeNAS-8.3.1-RELEASE-x64 (r13452)
更换 USB 并重新设置所有内容后 - 我重新连接了数据硬盘并开始重新创建所有用户和组。一切都很好,直到我开始设置 Rsync 备份脚本,该脚本用于将数据本地复制到外部 USB 硬盘上。
# Simple script to backup data from BACKUP_SRC to BACKUP_DST
# this can be any drive attached to your FreeNAS box ...
# ... internal drive(s), external USB drive(s), external SATA drives(s)
# Backup source
# Backup destination -- DO NOT include the trailing slash
# For a seven day cyclical backup, remove the comment from the line 'DAY=option$
# set the preferred directory name format 'Monday, etc or Mon, etc'
# A = long day name (i.e. Monday, Tuesday, ... Sunday)
# a = short day name (i.e. Mon, Tue, ... Sun)
# This will create a daily backup directory (i.e. backup/Sat backup/Sun)
DAY=/`date +%a`
rsync -aqv -HAX --delete $BACKUP_SRC $BACKUP_DST$DAY
# In the event of a drive failure:
# 1. Replace failed hardware.
# 2. Recreate datasets and set appropriate permission
# 3. Reverse paths in this script and re-run it
# end
chmod +x
rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1053) [sender=3.0.9]
/var/log/messages 中没有日志条目
在再次从头开始重新创建所有内容之前 - 任何指针都将不胜感激