html 表单可以通过 jquery plugin.so 进行验证。所以同样我想知道任何 jquery 插件都可用于验证 spring 表单。?



2 回答 2


JSR 303 Bean Validation 提供了一种全面的方式来声明验证规则。这是一个链接:

twitter bootstrap 上的 Bean 验证和提示

于 2013-08-02T09:47:34.547 回答

You are asking for any Jquery plugin for validating spring forms.. first of all you need to know that jquery executes on client side which has no idea if the application is using spring or any other technology. with jquery you can only validate html forms on the client side which are the rendered from spring or any other web technology. If you want more reliable validations in spring, see @InitBinder and vaildator interface.

于 2013-08-02T11:59:15.477 回答