我有以下代码,我试图在屏幕中央打开一个弹出窗口。这在 Firefox、Chrome 和 IE 中也可以正常工作,但在 Safari 中不起作用。我觉得 Safari 浏览器无法解释screen.widthscreen.height属性。或者是别的什么?我会很感激任何帮助!提前致谢 :)

   function openPopup(url){
       var date = new Date(); //To uniquely identify a window, I'm appending this to the window name.
       window.close(); //Closing the parent window.
       var width=650, height=375;
       var leftC =(screen.width / 2) - (width/ 2);
       var topC =(screen.height / 2) - (height / 2);
       window.open(url, "winName_"+date.getTime(), 'location=0, toolbar=no, scrollbars=0, resizable=no, width='+width+', height='+height+', top='+topC+', left='+leftC);            

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