我试图在我的应用程序中包含一个独立的单声道编译器,并试图删除对系统中实际单声道框架的所有引用。我在 OSX 上,我已经设法让 mcs 运行,但是当它开始实际编译时,它声称它在 /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/etc 中找不到 mscorlib.dll 。有没有办法手动设置 mscorlib.dll 的路径?


1 回答 1


Firstly you need to use Mono 3.2 or newer for this to work. Then you pass -nostdlib and -noconfig compiler options. Both options combined means no default referenced assemblies will be loaded by C# compiler. You can now reference any custom assemblies or mscorlib and compiler will use them instead of the default ones.

于 2013-08-09T09:28:48.993 回答