I have two folders that I need to diff. One is a vanilla codebase that has remained untouched. The other is a codebase that has had some essential files modified undesirably.

I want to take the file list and files of the vanilla codebase and only compare the files of the modified codebase with these in order to get a file by file diff between the two code bases. In other words, I don't care about extra files, I only want to see what file modifications exist in the modified codebase vs the vanilla.

I tried a few methods with diff itself and then using find to pass it on into xargs, however I couldn't quite get the desired results. In the end I nearly started writing a script that would parse the file paths from find and then pass the two files to diff, however I thought perhaps I should ask here first to see if there is a more "clean" method for approaching this scenario. Any ideas?


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