我正在尝试使用一个名为 [SlabText][1] 的插件。它很棒,可以跨多个浏览器工作,但是,我遇到了大小合适的问题。当文本最初加载时,它没有利用分配给它的空间。如果我刷新或重新调整页面大小,它会突然正确缩放。

首先我认为这是由于其他插件大约在同一时间启动,所以我为此添加了延迟,但我仍然遇到同样的问题。似乎我已经尝试了各种各样的事情 - 只是不确定原因是什么。


        speed: 1500,              //  The speed to animate each slide (in milliseconds)
        delay: 25000,             //  The delay between slide animations (in milliseconds)
        complete: function() {},  //  A function that gets called after every slide animation
        keys: true,               //  Enable keyboard (left, right) arrow shortcut
        dots: true,               //  Display dot navigation
        fluid: false              //  Support responsive design. May break non-responsive designs

    var stS = "<span class=\'slabtext\'>",
        stE = "</span>"
        prc = "<div class=\"mar20top alnRt\"><a class=\"btn\" href=\"/pricing\"><span class=\"uico ui-icon-tag icoSpan\"></span>Pricing</a> &nbsp; ",

        txt_CS = [
            "improve information architecture (IA) with",
            "CARD SORTING",
            "Try our online (remote) tool",
            "get instant results with built-in data analytics",
            "unlimited tests & participants / open, closed or hybrid test / images, text or mixed Cards"
        lnk = prc + "<a class=\"btn\" href=\"/features/Card_Sorting\"><span class=\"uico ui-icon-star icoSpan\"></span>Features</a> &nbsp; <a class=\"btn\" href=\"/CardSorting\"><span class=\"uico ui-icon-newwin icoSpan\"></span>Learn more about Card Sorting</a></div>";

    $("#CardSort_HDR").html(stS + txt_CS.join(stE + stS) + stE).slabText();
    $("#CardSort_HDR span:nth-child(2)").css({"color":"#b9cde5", "line-height":"0.8"});
    $("#CardSort_HDR span:nth-child(3), #CardSort_HDR span:nth-child(5)").css({"color":"#999", "line-height":"0.8"});
    $("#promo li:nth-child(1)").append(lnk).hide().delay(1000).fadeIn(2200);


<div id="contArea" class="banner">
<ul id="promo">
    <li class="h1" id="CardSort_HDR"></li>
    <li class="h1" id="PrMatrix_HDR"></li>
    <li class="h1" id="heurEval_HDR"></li>

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