# Optimal fishery management by choosing effort
# Set parameters
r = 0.1 # intrinsic growth rate
K = 1 # carrying capacity
q = 0.01 # catchability
eta = 0.3 # stiffness parameter
p = 200 # price of fish
c = 1 # unit cost of effort
eo = 1 # initial effort
xo = 1 # initial biomass
Yo = 0.01 # initial growth (meaningless)
Ho = 0.01 # initial harvest (meaningless)
# set time periods
time <- seq(0,50)
# Logitstic growth
x <- rep(xo,length(time)) # vector for stock biomass
Y <- rep(Yo,length(time)) # vector for growth in the stock
H <- rep(Ho, length(time)) # vector for harvest
e <- rep(eo, length(time)) # vector for effort
profit <- rep(0, length(time)) # vector for profit
for (i in 2:length(time)){
x[i]=x[i-1]+Y[i-1]-H[i-1] # stock equation
H[i]=q*x[i]*e[i] # harvest equation
Y[i]=r*x[i]*(1-x[i]/K) # growth equation
profit[i] = p*H[i]-c*e[i] # profit equation
totalprofit <- function(e, x){-sum(p*q*x[i]*e[i]-c*(e[i]))}
optim(par = eo, totalprofit, x=x[i], method = "Brent", lower = 0, upper = 20 )