我想在 Vim 中完成代码。我尝试使用本教程:http ://design.liberta.co.za/articles/code-completion-intellisense-for-cpp-in-vim-with-omnicppcomplete/
$ ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q ./
usage: ctags [flags] filenames...
-Dword Ignore "word" -- handy for parameter macro name
-F Use /regexp/ (default)
-B Use ?regexp? instead of /regexp/
-N Use line numbers instead of /regexp/
-g Store static tags as though they were global (implies -h -s)
-s Include static tags
-e Include extern tags
-i Include inline definitions
-t Include typedefs
-v Include variable declarations
-h Add hints to help elvis distinguish between overloaded tags
-l Add a "ln" line number hint (implies -h)
-p Write parse info to stdout (for debugging ctags)
-d Warn about duplicates, on stdout
-x Write cross-reference table to stdout; skip "tags"
-r Write a "refs" file, in addition to "tags"
-a Append to "tags", instead of overwriting
If no flags are given, ctags assumes it should use -l -i -s -t -v
Report bugs to kirkenda@cs.pdx.edu