



我知道 jQuery 的基础知识,但圆形动画和摩擦效果是我迷路的地方。



1 回答 1


I'm trying an answer for the animation part: If you are ok with HTML5 then for the animations there are two ways to go:

Either use HTML5 Canvas, which really works well for providing dynamic content. Its basically a canvas on which you can freely draw. It's pixel based and has a good performance and, if done right it does not decline very much when drawing many elements). You should also double-buffer it in order to avoid any flickering when drawing.

Or use HTML5 Inline Svg. It's vector based, so resolution-independent and has good support for animating svg elements. In contrast to HTML5 Canvas the elements of the svg are DOM-Nodes, so you see the graphic elements directly in your DOM-Tree.

In order to sum up the trade-offs:
HTML5 Canvas
-Good Performance
-Free drawing
HTML5 Inline Svg
-Animations built-in
-Elements are DOM-Nodes

For much more information, see http://dev.opera.com/articles/view/svg-or-canvas-choosing-between-the-two/

于 2013-08-17T07:07:18.653 回答