This question might be very basic, I'm an amateur in TYPO3.

I needed an image slider for my website and found this extension FlexSlider. I want this extensions to take all the image records from a folder, instead of manually creating a record for each image.

This is what I did so far

I have my set of images in fileadmin/templates/images folder. I then created File Collection under System Records and stored the fileadmin/templates/images into this.

I created a Backend Layout for a page slider page and inserted the flexSlider extension to it.

In flexSlider/Configuration/TypoScript/setup.txt is added this:

persistence.storagePid = 81

81 being the pageId of the File Collection Record Folder .

Of course, this is not the final step to this process. Do I need to write a PHP Code or something to insert the images from fileadmin folder to the System record folder? I'm stuck here.


1 回答 1


这行不通。命名的 flexslider 扩展有它自己的 db 表,并期望在那里呈现记录。该storagePid选项只是存储这些记录的地方,如果不在插入扩展名的页面上。

记录不仅仅包含图像。您可以指定幻灯片的替代文本、标题和副标题等。假设您的幻灯片不会每 5 分钟更改一次,与为您的计划找到另一个扩展/解决方案相比,创建这些记录的(一点)额外努力是值得的。


于 2013-08-01T12:16:40.823 回答