. 我在这里找到了一个教程。但是,它给了我一个代表字母轮廓的封闭路径,如下所示。我想要一个代表信件正文的路径。
In general, glyphs in modern typefaces are not "lines" in the sense you're talking about. They're outlines. To see why, think about any serif face, like Times. How would the serifs be expressed as a single line?
That said, there is a special class of type faces, colloquially referred to as "stick fonts" that are based on lines, and are often used for CNC engraving. Here is a resource: CamBam Stick Fonts Perhaps that will be helpful to you.
如您所见,Core Text 只能提供字形轮廓。为字形要求“单行”有点模棱两可。考虑这封信i