I have a simple native Android app that is a webview of a website, effectively to make the mobile-ready site native-like if you will. The website already has Google Analytics installed.

What might be a good way to track which visitors are using the app?

  • I could adding Android Native App Tracking, but I presume that would double track the users. Unless it's smart enough to connect the visits?
  • I could pass custom get variable to the site that maybe adds a custom attribute to the tracking for native app users. But that doesn't sound very clean.

What might be best for tracking? I feel there's got to be an obvious answer I'm missing.


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public class  myWebApp  extends Activity{

      Webview mWebview;
      GoogleAnalyticsTracker tracker;

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        tracker = GoogleAnalyticsTracker.getInstance();

        // Start the tracker in manual dispatch mode. The following UA-xxxxxxx-x code must be replaced by //your web property ID.

       tracker.startNewSession("UA-xxxxxxx-x", this);

       mWebview = new WebView(this);
       mWebview .setWebViewClient(new myWebViewClient());
       mWebview .loadUrl("file:///android_asset/www/index.html"); 

    private class myWebViewClient extends WebViewClient

        //After the user visits a particular page, send the tracking notification to GoogleAnalytics.
         public void onPageStarted(WebView view, String url, Bitmap favicon)
tracker.trackPageView( mWebview.getUrl());



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于 2013-08-01T10:01:06.263 回答