用户工作站 | 您的服务器
+--------------+ | +-------------+ +-------------+
| 浏览器 | | | PHP | | |
+--------------+ | +--------------+ | 数据库 |
| JavaScript |<--------->| PHP 代码 |<--->| |
| 代码 | 阿贾克斯 | | 与 DB 对话 | | |
+--------------+ | +-------------+ +-------------+
因此,您的 JavaScript 代码使用 ajax 与您的 PHP 代码对话。您的 PHP 代码与您的数据库对话。即使您设置了基础设施,浏览器上的 JavaScript 也不应该用于直接与您的数据库对话,因为它当然是在最终用户的浏览器上运行的,因此它必须具有有限的权限。您必须保护您的数据库免受外界影响。
这就是您的 PHP 代码的作用:它既是看门人又是数据转换器。它从数据库中获取数据,将其转换为对客户端有用的格式(通常是 HTML、文本、JSON 或 XML),然后将其传递给浏览器中的 JavaScript 代码,然后浏览器使用该 HTML,文本、JSON 或 XML 向用户显示某些内容或类似内容。
JavaScript Ajax 请求
使用 JavaScript 发送 ajax 请求非常容易,特别是如果您使用一个体面的库来解决一些浏览器不一致的问题。基本上,它看起来像这样:
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleReadyStateChange;
xhr.open("GET", "your_php_file.php");
function handleReadyStateChange() {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && (xhr.status === 0 || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300))) {
// ===> This is where we can use the resulting information <===
// Create the request object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Set up a callback for when things happen
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleReadyStateChange;
// Open the request
xhr.open("GET", "your_php_file.php");
// ^ ^----------------------- a normal URL like any other
// |------------------------------ the kind of request (GET, POST, ...)
// Send it (if this were a POST, you'd include data as an
// argument to `sent`, typically as a URI-encoded string
// IMPORTANT: As of this point in the code, the request has been
// *sent*, but it has not yet *completed*. By default, ajax is
// *asynchronous*.
// Our callback for ready state changes
function handleReadyStateChange() {
// Is the request complete?
if (xhr.readyState === 4) { // 4 = complete
// Yes, did it succeed? (`status` is a standard HTTP status code
// except that *some* browsers sometimes use 0 if the response came
// from cache)
if (xhr.status === 0 || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300)) {
// If the Content-Type header of the HTTP response was for XML,
// the XML document is on `xhr.responseXML`.
// Otherwise, the HTML, text, or JSON is on `xhr.responseText`
// ===> This is where we can use the resulting information <===
PHP 代码
ajax 请求看起来像对 PHP 代码的任何其他页面请求。(如果需要,可以将它们区分开来,但很少需要这样做)。因此,您的 PHP 代码就像您编写的任何其他 PHP 代码一样。不过,它可能会有不同的输出。您习惯于 PHP“页面”为浏览器呈现完整的 HTML 页面。但是,在响应 ajax 请求时,您并没有发回完整的页面,而是发回了页面上的代码将使用的信息。
这是 PHP 可能看起来的一个示例,但同样,因为这就像您编写的其他 PHP 一样,它可以是任何东西:
// In our case, we'll return plain text from our example, so
// mark the response accordingly
header("Content-Type", "text/plain");
// We might use $_GET or $_POST variables here, to get
// information from the request
// Once we've authenticated that the request comes from
// an authorised user, we might connect to the database
// and retrieve some information here
// Output our response
echo("Hi there");
在那里我们返回纯文本。同样,您可以退回很多东西。当您将数据返回到页面时,JSON 很受欢迎。在 PHP 方面,您将在内存结构(数组等)中构建数据,然后将其转换为字符串以与echo
via 一起使用json_encode
。在 JavaScript 方面,您将JSON.parse
在现代浏览器上解析该 JSON。(对于较旧的浏览器,您必须在页面中添加 JSON 解析器,这是使用像 jQuery 这样的优秀库的另一个原因,它为您提供了一个。)
下面是 HTML 和 JavaScript 端的完整示例:Live Copy | 资源
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset=utf-8 />
<title>Ajax Example</title>
#theSpan {
border: 1px solid grey;
padding: 2px;
<input type="button" id="theButton" value="Click Me">
<p>Here is the span we'll fill in: <span id="theSpan"></span></p>
(function() {
// Hook up our button click handler
document.getElementById("theButton").onclick = function() {
// Do our ajax request
// Create the request object
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Set up a callback for when things happen
xhr.onreadystatechange = handleReadyStateChange;
// Open the request
xhr.open("GET", "/uvanep/1");
// ^ ^----------------------- a normal URL like any other
// |------------------------------ the kind of request (GET, POST, ...)
// Send it (if this were a POST, you'd include data as an
// argument to `sent`, typically as a URI-encoded string
// IMPORTANT: As of this point in the code, the request has been
// *sent*, but it has not yet *completed*. By default, ajax is
// *asynchronous*.
// Our callback for ready state changes
function handleReadyStateChange() {
// Is the request complete?
if (xhr.readyState === 4) { // 4 = complete
// Yes, did it succeed? (`status` is a standard HTTP status code
// except that *some* browsers sometimes use 0 if the response came
// from cache)
if (xhr.status === 0 || (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300)) {
// If the Content-Type header of the HTTP response was for XML,
// the XML document is on `xhr.responseXML`.
// Otherwise, the HTML, text, or JSON is on `xhr.responseText`
// ===> This is where we can use the resulting information <===
// In this case, let's put it in our span:
在这种情况下,我们调用的页面只返回 text "Hi there"