我有表 bus, street, route_going, route_return
id | name
1 | street1
2 | street2
3 | street4
n | streetn
表 route_going,我有示例:
id_bus | id_street | order
101 | 1 | 1
101 | 2 | 2
101 | 5 | 3
表 route_return,我有例子:
id_bus | id_street | order
101 | 3 | 1
101 | 2 | 2
101 | 1 | 3
好的,在这个例子中,公共汽车 101 按此顺序从街道 1,2 和 5 行驶。巴士从 3,2 和 1 号街道返回,按此顺序。
我想知道哪些公共汽车经过街道“x”和街道“y”(先是 x,后是 y)
x = 1, y = 5 -> the bus 101 pass
x = 1, y = 3 -> the bus 101 pass
x = 3, y = 1 -> the bus 101 pass
x = 3, y = 5 -> the bus 101 don't pass
所以,我发现公共汽车的 sql 是......(例如通过街道 1 和 5)
select * from bus as b where
-- The bus passes between the 2 streets at the going route??
exists (select * from route_going as rg1, route_going as rg2,street as r1,street as r2 where rg1.id_bus = rg2.id_bus and rg1.id_street = r1.id and rg2.id_street = r2.id and r1.id = 1 and r2.id = 5 and b.bus_id = rg1.id_bus and rg1.order <= rg2.order)
-- The bus passes between the 2 streets at the return route??
or exists (select * from route_return as rg1, route_return as rg2,street as r1,street as r2 where rg1.id_bus = rg2.id_bus and rg1.id_street = r1.id and rg2.id_street = r2.id and r1.id = 1 and r2.id = 5 and b.bus_id = rg1.id_bus and rg1.order <= rg2.order)
-- The bus passes between the 2 streets at the going route first and return route later??
or exists (select * from route_going as rg1, route_return as rg2,street as r1,street as r2 where rg1.id_bus = rg2.id_bus and rg1.id_street = r1.id and rg2.id_street = r2.id and r1.id = 1 and r2.id = 5 and b.bus_id = rg1.id_bus)