恐怕另一个新手问题。我有这个带有 3 个列表的表格。目标是更改 2 个列表的查询集(请参阅视图中的代码)
class AddGameForm(forms.ModelForm):
won_lag = forms.ChoiceField(choices=[('1','Home') , ('2', 'Away') ], )
home_team = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Player.objects.all(),required=True )
away_team = forms.ModelChoiceField(queryset=Player.objects.all(), required=True )
class Meta:
model = Game
fields = ()
def game_add(request, match_id):
# used to create a new Game
""" return http response page for creating a new Game """
# Adding a new Game so just make a new one
game = Game()
# Get the match specified in the Querystring because we will need it to figure out who the home team
# and away team are.
match = Match.objects.get(id=match_id)
except Match.DoesNotExist:
# we have no object! do something
#todo: redirect to list match page?
# get form
form = AddGameForm(request.POST or None, instance=game)
# Change the Queryset for Home and Away team to show only players that are on the team
# AND have not already played in a game so we need to get the "DIFFERENCE" between all
# team members and any players that have already played in the match
home_players = Player.objects.filter(team=match.home_team) # All Home Team members
away_players = Player.objects.filter(team=match.away_team) # All Away Team members
already_played_in_match_players = Game.objects.filter(match=match) # This is both home and away players
# that have played in a Game on this match
form.fields['home_team'].queryset = home_players.exclude(pk__in=already_played_in_match_players)
form.fields['away_team'].queryset = away_players.exclude(pk__in=already_played_in_match_players)
Team 1
Player 1
Player 2
Team 2
Player 3
Match 1
no games
因此,当我按预期打开表单时,home_team 列表同时显示 Player1、Player2,而 away_team 列表显示 Player3
所以我选择Player 1和Player3,然后保存游戏。现在数据库有以下数据
Team 1
Player 1
Player 2
Team 2
Player 3
Match 1
Game 1 between Player1 and Player3
我决定添加另一个游戏,因此我打开 GameAddForm 并希望 home_team 列表仅显示 Player2,而 away_team 列表不显示任何球员。
然而,实际上,home_team 列表按预期运行,但away_team 列表仍显示 Player 3。